How to create index and add documents in Kibana

To create index and add documents in Kibana

We know elastic search comprises of nodes and clusters which are the center of the elastic search architecture. You can seamlessly create an index and add a few documents in Kibana and this tutorial will help you do that in an easy way.

Quick guide:

Node is a server that stores part of data

Cluster is collection of nodes

Nodes support searching new data and indexing, manipulating and so on

Creating Index:

First, go to your browser and give your IP address followed by the port number to open Kibana.

Your Kibana application gets opened. Go to the Dev Tools in the left panel and in that console, you need to add the following to create a new index. Here Pretty is added so that, the output will be displayed in human-readable format.

PUT labels?pretty

Next, for creating documents for newly created index you need to use the POST option, like in the following manner. Create a small JSON object in it.

POST /labels /default/


Json objects


In the above syntax, labels denote index name and default denotes type name

Give all the JSON contents now and run the querry.

When that query is run, you can see in the right index, the documents are added.

With this, the tutorial on how to create index and add documents in Kibana comes to an end.

Tag : Kibana
May 10 2019
While doing the above operation getting error "Deprecation: [types removal] Specifying types in document index requests is deprecated, use the typeless endpoints instead"
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How to access Kibana from web?
To access kibana from web Go to your browser and give your IP address followed by the port number to open Kibana.
Mention the quick guide for creating index and add documents in Kibana?
the quick guide for creating index and add documents in Kibana were

Node is a server that stores part of data

Cluster is collection of nodes

Nodes support searching new data and indexing, manipulating and so on
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