How to password protect a file Using VIM

To Password Protect A File Using VIM

Password protecting a file is very easy in Linux and this tutorial covers the method to password protect a file using Vim. It is so simple, we will show you how to secure a file at the time of its creation as well as after opening it for modification.

Password Protecting A File

Before you begin, you need to install the full version of Vim, and for that simply run the following command.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# yum install vim
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
  vim-enhanced.x86_64 2:7.4.160-2.el7                                                                              


Vim has a -x option which enables you to use encryption when creating files. Once you run the vim command below, you’ ll be prompted for a crypt key:

[root@linuxhelp ~]# vim -x file.txt
Enter encryption key: *******
Enter same key again: *******

If the crypto key matches after entering it for the second time, you can proceed to modify the file.

In case you enter a wrong password (or no key), you’ ll see some junk characters.

That’ s all! With this simple trick you can password protect a file via the Vim text editor in Linux.

Tag : vim
How can I reset the password using the current password? What If I forget the password later. Is there any way to reset the password without entering the old password? I mean is there something like security questions etc?
Do not forget the password, otherwise you’ll not be able to view the contents of the file again. And to update the password, open the file for editing and type [Esc] and :X then save changes to the file like this :w before closing it.
But if I write a python program with encryption enabled then the file doesn’t compile. What to do?
Try to compile without encryption. May be it will work.
How to remove a encrypted password from the file.
You can update the original password with an empty password. Start vi/m with -x option, you’ll be prompted for new password, leave it empty/blank and press Enter twice.
What command is used to generated encrypted set of file?
Install and use mkpasswd
Is this work with other editors ?
No it will work only with vim