How to reset gitlab admin password

How to reset admin password in Gitlab

Gitlab admin password can be changed easily by using gitlab-rails command. We may have chance of forgetting gitlab admin password, so if we do we actually don’ t need to reinstall gitlab just follow the simple steps to reset your gitlab admin password. This tutorial covers the ground on resetting the admin password on Gitlab.

Resetting procedure

To start the resetting procedure, Login to your gitlab server or gain ssh access for your gitlab and execute the following commands in the terminal to gain access for gitlab-rails console.

[root@git ~]# gitlab-rails console production
Loading production environment (Rails 4.2.8)

irb(main):001:0> denotes that the console has changed to gitlab-rails.

Next use the below command to select the user id whom you want to reset password, in this case its root (admin) user. Here root (admin) user is the very first user so the id must me number 1.

irb(main):001:0>  u = User.where(id:1).first
=>  #< User id: 1, email: "" , created_at: " 2017-03-24 05:22:13" , updated_at: " 2017-03-24 06:49:44" , name: " Administrator" , admin: true, projects_limit: 100000, skype: " " , linkedin: " " , twitter: " " , authentication_token: " RhhsfEeuzhmqujAB_eqr" , bio: nil, username: " root" , can_create_group: true, can_create_team: false, state: " active" , color_scheme_id: 1, password_expires_at: nil, created_by_id: nil, last_credential_check_at: nil, avatar: nil, hide_no_ssh_key: false, website_url: " " , notification_email: "" , hide_no_password: false, password_automatically_set: false, location: nil, encrypted_otp_secret: nil, encrypted_otp_secret_iv: nil, encrypted_otp_secret_salt: nil, otp_required_for_login: false, otp_backup_codes: nil, public_email: " " , dashboard: 0, project_view: 2, consumed_timestep: nil, layout: 0, hide_project_limit: false, otp_grace_period_started_at: nil, ldap_email: false, external: false, incoming_email_token: " dwqslplx0nbkq252flce7376d" , organization: nil, authorized_projects_populated: true, ghost: nil> 

Next enter the new password for the user using below command.

irb(main):002:0>  u.password = ' !@#$%^& *' 
=>  " !@#$%^& *" 

Confirm the password by entering the following command.

irb(main):003:0>  u.password_confirmation = ' !@#$%^& *' 
=>  " !@#$%^& *" 

Save the password in the console.

Enqueued ActionMailer::DeliveryJob (Job ID: f80515c9-e754-47d0-9e44-439949238b82) to Sidekiq(mailers) with arguments: " DeviseMailer" , " password_change" , " deliver_now" , gid://gitlab/User/1
=>  true

Now exit from console.

irb(main):005:0>  exit

The password has been reset. Now try to login to your gitalb account using the modified password.

Wasn' t it a simple procedure?. Now resetting an admin password in gitlab is easy with a few steps.

Tag : gitlab
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you can exit the gitlab login console by following command
> exit
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execute the following commands in the terminal to gain access for gitlab-rails console.
# gitlab-rails console production
why we need to reset the gitlab admin password?
Gitlab admin password can be changed easily by using gitlab-rails command. We may have chance of forgetting gitlab admin password, so if we do we actually don&rsquo t need to reinstall gitlab just follow the simple steps to reset your gitlab admin password.