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E-gpu + Ubuntu - problem with "unsleep" of laptop

This is my first post here, I was using this place as an spectator for long time and found many answers which helped me a lot.
Now I have problem and didnt find any soluton over the internet.

Lenovo Thinkpad t480 with Thunderbolt 3
Intel integrated card
Egpu - Aours Nvidia GTX 1080

Ubuntu 16.04
Nvidia drivers 384
Windows 10 installed next to Ubuntu

I installed CUDA and blacklisted nvidia-drivers in /etc/modprobe.d
and now after launch of ubuntu when there is no egpu connected by thunderbolt, OS run with intel driver and when I connect Egpu, it works and everything is perfect

I have an issue with " sleep" . When I go with sleep mode on ubuntu and then try to wake up. Laptop crash and I see message like that:


On Windows after sleep mode when I wake up Egpu work well. Problem is only on Ubuntu. Can anyone help me to to configure well my OS to work with Egpu also after wake up ?

Thanks for any help


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