Android studio

Android Studio offers rich code editing, an instant build/deploy system, debugging, performance tooling, high-performance build automation, testing, and profiling tools, robust dependency management, and customizable build configurations. Android Studio configures a project to include code libraries and generate multiple build variants from a single project. Android Studio purpose built for Android provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device configuration like Android phones, Android tablets, Android Wear, and Android TV. Android Studio requires Java, Java Runtime Environment, Android Studio and supports Windows, Mac OS X, GNOME or KDE desktop. When working with XML layout files, Android Studio provides a drag-and-drop visual editor that makes it easier than ever to create a new layout.The IDE provides syntax highlighting and refactoring for C/C++, and an LLDB-based debugger that allows you to simultaneously debug your Java and C/C++ code.  Android Studio offers features like Built-in support for Google Cloud Platform, enabling integration with Google Cloud Messaging and App Engine, Build variants and multiple-APK generation, APK signing and keystore management, Maven-based build dependencies, Android-specific refactoring, Lint tools, ProGuard and app-signing capabilities,  Android Native Development (NDK) support, including single step debugging of JNI C++ code, code completion, Gradle build support for JNI C++ code, Image Asset Studio, Android Device Monitor, a rich set of Eclipse-based debugging and analysis tools including DDMS, OpenGL Tracer, Hierarchy Viewer, Systrace, and Traceviewer.

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