Best Linux Operating Systems

Best Linux Operating Systems

In this article we will discuss about the best Linux Operating Systems in Linux with their versions, features etc.

Linux Mint

Link Mint is a free open source software available in Multilingual. It is powerful, easy, stable and complete Linux Distribution. It is well known for its motto " From freedom came elegance" . It was started in 2006 based on Kubuntu. It is released under the license of Mainly GPL and other free software licenses, minor additions of proprietary. It has features like plug-ins and codecs that provide Adobe Flash, MP3, and DVD playback.


Debian is a free open source software that supports operating systems like Unix. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It is avaialable in 73 languages. It has access to online repositories which has 50,000 software packages. It has free programs such as Firefox, Libreoffice, Evolution mail, K3b disc burner, VLC media player, GIMP image editor and Evince document viewer.


Ubuntu is a free open source software supports Operating systems like Linux. It supports personal computers, smartphones and network servers. It includes LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Transmission. It is available in more than 55 languages.


Fedora is a free open source software supports Operating systems like Linux. It is released under Various free software licenses, plus proprietary firmware files. It has features like RPM package management system.


CentOS ( Community Enterprise Operating System ) is a free open source software released under Free software (GPL and other licenses). It is the number one alternative to Red Hat Enterprise Linux because of its robustness, stability and compatibility. It is the most used distribution for Linux servers.


openSUSE is a free open source software which supports Unix like operating systems. It is available in languages like English, German, Russian, Italian, Portuguese and many others. It is released under Free software license.


Mageia is a free and open source software which supports Linux based Operating Systems. It is released under Free software licenses (mainly GPL) and other licenses. It is available in 167 languages. It was first Linux distribution where MariaDB replaced Oracles MySQL.


Manjaro is a free and open source software which supports Linux based Operating Systems. It is released under Free software licenses (mainly GPL). It utilizes the Xfce desktop environment or KDE Plasma desktop environment. It has features like CLI installer and a graphical installer.

Elementary OS

Elementary OS is a free and open source software which supports Linux based Operating Systems. It is based on Ubuntu. It is available in Multilingual and it is released under GNU GPL, LGPL, and various other free software license.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux is a free and open source software which supports Linux based Operating Systems. It is released under Free software (GPL and other licenses). It follows KISS principle ( " keep it simple, stupid" ).

What is the linux lite OS?
The linux lite is the OS disto it i sthe based on the Ubuntu distro.
Which Os is optimal for security and hacking Purpose?
Try kali linux for securiry related testing
what are all the major Debain based os?
Linuxmint,debain,Ubuntu uses debian based
What is parrot Os mainly used for?
It is secured Os mainly used for forensic purpose
Is OpenSUSE RPM based?
Yes, opensuse is a RPM based