How to add Bootstrap & jQuery - Mobile Friendly Application

To add Bootstrap and jQuery to Write a Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Web Application

In this article we are going to discuss about jQuery and Bootstrap. By adding this jQuery and Bootstrap to our html coding will allows us to create a Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Web Sites.

Adding jQuery and Bootstrap into our project

To download jQuery

Go to the jQuery official site for downloading stable and latest version. Go to the official link and download the compressed (.min.js) version of jQuery.

To download Bootstrap

Go to the official link to download Bootstrap.

After downloading, Go to your download directory and uncompress the bootstrap zip file using unzip command.

root@linuxhelp:~# cd Downloads/
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads# ls jquery-1.12.3.min.js
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads# unzip -a
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads# ls
bootstrap-3.3.6 jquery-1.12.3.min.js

Now a new directory will be created. Move to the newly created directory. Then navigate to the dist directory and list the directories (CSS, fonts, js) inside the directory.

root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads# cd bootstrap-3.3.6/
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads/bootstrap-3.3.6# ls
bower.json _config.yml fonts less package.json grunt LICENSE
CNAME dist Gruntfile.js nuget test-infra
composer.json docs js package.js
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads/bootstrap-3.3.6# cd dist/
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads/bootstrap-3.3.6/dist# ls
css fonts js
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads/bootstrap-3.3.6/dist# ls css/
bootstrap.css bootstrap-theme.min.css bootstrap-theme.css
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads/bootstrap-3.3.6/dist# ls fonts/
glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads/bootstrap-3.3.6/dist# ls js/
bootstrap.js bootstrap.min.js npm.js

Now copy some files inside the three directories css, fonts and js to our " NetBeansProjects" directory using the following command. Copy the jQuery file that we have downloaded, early to the NetBeansProject directory.

root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads/bootstrap-3.3.6/dist# cp css/bootstrap.min.css /home/user1/NetBeansProjects/linuxhelp/public_html/data-styles
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads/bootstrap-3.3.6/dist# cp fonts/* /home/user1/NetBeansProjects/linuxhelp/public_html/fonts
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads/bootstrap-3.3.6/dist# cp js/bootstrap.min.js /home/user1/NetBeansProjects/linuxhelp/public_html/scripts
root@linuxhelp:~/Downloads/bootstrap-3.3.6/dist# cp /home/user1/Downloads/jquery-1.12.3.min.js /home/user1/NetBeansProjects/linuxhelp/public_html/scripts

The structure of your site in Netbeans look like this, after copying the above mentioned files.

To write Responsive mobile friendly web application

Write your own html coding to develop a mobile friendly web application or else you can use our sample code given below for testing purpose.

Example HTML code for Responsive web design

Execute the code below, by copy and pasting the code into the index.html file under the site root of your project.

< !DOCTYPE html> 
< html> 
< head> 
< meta charset=" utf-8" > 
< title> jQuery and Bootstrap< /title> 
< /head> 
< body> 
< div class=" container" > 
< nav class=" navbar navbar-default" > 
< div class=" container-fluid" > 
< div class=" navbar-header" > 
< button type=" button"  class=" navbar-toggle collapsed"  data-toggle=" collapse"  data-target=" #navbar"  aria-expanded=" false"  aria-controls=" navbar" > 
< span class=" sr-only" > Toggle navigation< /span> 
< span class=" icon-bar" > < /span> 
< span class=" icon-bar" > < /span> 
< span class=" icon-bar" > < /span> 
< /button> 
< a class=" navbar-brand"  href=" #" > Linux Help< /a> 
< /div> 
< div id=" navbar"  class=" navbar-collapse collapse" > 
< ul class=" nav navbar-nav" > 
< li class=" active" > < a href=" #" > Home< /a> < /li> 
< li> < a href=" #" > About Us< /a> < /li> 
< li> < a href=" #" > Contact Us< /a> < /li> 
< li class=" dropdown" > 
< a href=" #"  class=" dropdown-toggle"  data-toggle=" dropdown"  role=" button"  aria-haspopup=" true"  aria-expanded=" false" > Dropdown < span class=" caret" > < /span> < /a> 
< ul class=" dropdown-menu" > 
< li> < a href=" #" > Databases< /a> < /li> 
< li> < a href=" #" > File Systems< /a> < /li> 
< li> < a href=" #" > Advanced Commands< /a> < /li> 
< li role=" separator"  class=" divider" > < /li> 
< li class=" dropdown-header" > Security and Firewall< /li> 
< li> < a href=" #" > Security< /a> < /li> 
< li> < a href=" #" > Firewall< /a> < /li> 
< /ul> 
< /li> 
< /ul> 
< /div> < !--/.nav-collapse --> 
< /div> < !--/.container-fluid --> 
< /nav> 
< /div> 
< /body> 
< /html> 

After copying the sample html code into index.html file just drag and drop below mentioned files from the project navigator section to the html code, in between the and tags

Files to drag and drop into html code

Filename Location

jquery-1.12.3.min.js located under scripts folder under site root of your project.
bootstrap.min.js located under scripts folder under site root of your project.
bootstrap.min.css located under data-styles folder under site root of your project.

After adding jquery and bootstrap file into your html coding choose your default browser and click the play button to open and see your output in a selected web browser.

According to the screen size of a device, the page will be automatically resized to view the full content of the webpage within that screen size of the device.

Tag : Bootstrap
Why Use Bootstrap?
Advantages of Bootstrap:

Easy to use: Anybody with just basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can start using Bootstrap
Responsive features: Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops
what is bootstarp?
a technique of loading a program into a computer by means of a few initial instructions which enable the introduction of the rest of the program from an input device.
Since I'm using minimal machine let me know how to download the zip file
Use wget followed by the download link
Thank you very useful for coders like us
We are always glad to help you
How you port 8383 is working for me I couldn't able to access web interface
May be your firewall is blocking it