How to create a Leave Request on Odoo

How to create a Leave Request on Odoo

For over a week, we have been posting several tutorials about Odoo and various other aspects of it. Today, in this tutorial you will be briefed about Leave Management, an app available on Odoo, and the method to use it. This module is used to keep track of the leave or the vacation days taken by each employee. Employee can enter their requests and the concerned managers can approve and validate the requests with a few clicks. The Managers can also organize the team' s leave requests and to distribute the tasks during the absence of a team member. Odoo can make organizing very easy from the score of apps it contains.


To start with the installation procedure, install the leave management app to your set of apps. After installing, go to the leave tab on the header and select leave request

Provide the type of leave duration, reporting manager and other details that has to be filled.

The comment section is for the manager to provide his description and save the changes. Thus you have raised a leave request in odoo within a few minutes.

That was all. It was simple to use, wasn' t it? More articles on Odoo is yet to come, so stay connected.

Tag : odoo
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