How to install Monit on OpenSUSE

To install Monit on Opensuse 13.2

Monit is a free source tool that monitors the server process, directories, checksums, permissions, files, filesystems and services. Installation of Monit in Opensuse is explained in this article.

To install Monit Package

Run the following command to install the Monit package.

linuxhelp:/home/user1 # zypper install monit 
Retrieving repository ' openSUSE-13.2-Non-Oss'  metadata .......................................[done]
Building repository ' openSUSE-13.2-Non-Oss'  cache ............................................[done]
Retrieving repository ' openSUSE-13.2-Oss'  metadata ...........................................[done]
Building repository ' openSUSE-13.2-Oss'  cache ................................................[done]
(1/1) Installing: monit-5.8.1-2.1.2 ..........................................................[done]
Additional rpm output:
Updating /etc/sysconfig/monit...

Start the Monit service by running the following command.

linuxhelp:/home/user1 # systemctl start monit 
Check the status of Monit.

linuxhelp:/home/user1 # monit status 
Status not available -- the monit daemon is not running

The Monit process was not running and to enable the Monit configuration file.

linuxhelp:/home/user1 # vim /etc/monitrc 

Now restart the Monit service by running the following command.

linuxhelp:/home/user1 # systemctl restart monit 

Lets check the status of monit and it will run fine.

linuxhelp:/home/user1 # monit  

monit daemon with PID 34533 awakened
linuxhelp:/home/user1 # monit status 
The Monit daemon 5.8.1 uptime: 0m 
System ' linuxhelp' 
  status                            Running
  monitoring status                 Monitored
  load average                      [0.00] [0.06] [0.13]
  cpu                               0.0%us 0.0%sy 0.0%wa
  memory usage                      538696 kB [53.2%]
  swap usage                        34892 kB [1.1%]
  data collected                    Thu, 22 Sep 2016 15:08:45

Open the Monit configuration file, configure the web-configuration and set login credentials for Monit as shown below.

linuxhelp:/home/user1 # vim /etc/monitrc 

After setting the credentials, enable the following line.

Enable and restart the Monit service.

linuxhelp:/home/user1 # systemctl enable monit
linuxhelp:/home/user1 # systemctl restart monit 

Open the browser and enter the login credentials for Monit.

Now start monitoring the services.

Tag : Monit
What is the command to check the version of Monit?
following command is used to check the version
"Monit -V"
What is the main configuration file of the Monit?
Here the main configuration file is
How can I run monit from init so it can be respawned in case monit dies unexpectedly?
It is recommended that you use Monit version 5 or later when running Monit from init. Use either the 'set init' statement in monits configuration file or use the -I option
" Run monit in standard run levels"
What is the command to set the HTTP ports?
By using this command to set port
"set httpd port 2812"
What is the refresh time in Monit?
You will get the rfresh interval of 2s in Monit.