How to install Zorin OS 12

To install Zorin OS 12

Zorin OS is a linux operating system based on Debian systems. Its interface is similar to windows hence it can be used by a windows user who wants access to Linuix distributions. This article explains the installation of Zorin 12.

Connect your installation media to your system. It lets you to boot up the zorin installation wizard. Choose “ Install Zorin

Choose whether you want to install third-party software or not and click “ Continue

Once it is chosen, select the installation type. In case you want to partition manually, choose the last option “ Something else. ”

Here first option will simply erase the disk and install zorin with automatic partitioning

Now, choose your time zone and click continue.

Choose Keyboard layout and click continue.

Enter all the details to create user account. Click continue.

Installation process takes place.

After installation completes, click “ Restart Now” to reboot your system.

Once the login screen appears, enter your username and password for login

Enjoy working on Zorin.

Tag : Zorin
Is Zorin OS Debian?
Zorin OS is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution designed especially for newcomers to Linux.
It has a Windows-like graphical user interface and many programs similar to those found in Windows.
How to create a user account?
Enter all the details to create a user account. Click continue.
The installation process takes place.
How to install third-party software?
Use the follow instruction:
click &ldquo Continue&rdquo
Once it is chosen, select the installation type. In case you want to partition manually, choose the last option &ldquo Something else. &rdquo
What is Zorin Os?
Zorin OS is a Linux operating system based on Debian systems. Its interface is similar to windows hence it can be used by a windows user who wants access to Linux distributions. This article explains the installation of Zorin 12.
what are the minimum system requirement for Zorin OS Lite?
To follow the instruction:
CPU: 700 MHz Single Core
RAM: 512 MB
Storage: 8 GB
Display : 640 × 480 resolution