How to use Invoicing Module on Odoo

How to use Invoicing Module on odoo

Today, in this tutorial you will be briefed about Invoice, an app available on Odoo, and the method to use it. An invoice is a document sent to a buyer that specifies the amount and cost of products or services that have been provided by a seller. The invoice is issued to the cusotomer after the billing procedure has been done. The invoicing procedure is done very easily in Odoo ERP. Odoo can make organizing very easy from the score of apps it contains.


To start the invoicing procedure, check whether the invoicing app is installed or not. If not, install it in the list of apps and go to invoice tab in the menu header.

If you want create new invoice go to Customer Invoice tab in the left pane and click “ create” option.

Provide all the details such as customer name, vendor name, quantity, cost and tax. Finally save your changes.

The overview of the invoice bill is shown below and now you can send the invoice to the customer.

Other tabs such as Vendor bills comprises of the purchased bill and Vendor consists of Vendor details and other Account details.

That was all. It was simple to use, wasn' t it? More articles on Odoo is yet to come, so stay connected.

Tag : odoo
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