How to check basic information related to Zimbra

To check basic information related to Zimbra

In the previous articles, we learnt many aspects of managing Zimbra, now in this tutorial we' ll see how to check and access basic information related to Zimbra.

To check the hostname:

If you want to check the hostname of your Zimbra mail server, use the following command.

[zimbra@mail root]$ zmhostname

To check all the accounts and its information

You can check all accounts and the information related to them such as their status, when they were created and the last logged in time by using the following command.

[zimbra@mail root]$ zmaccts
           account                          status             created       last logon
------------------------------------   -----------     ---------------  ---------------                           active      10/26/16 14:08            never

           account                          status             created       last logon
------------------------------------   -----------     ---------------  ---------------                         active      01/27/17 18:36  20170127130659.                      active      01/27/17 17:12  20170127114304.




                                 domain summary

    domain                  active    closed    locked    maintenance     total
-----------------------   --------  --------  --------  -------------  --------                      1         0         0              0         1                    2         0         0              0         2                  2         0         0              0         2

To check the version

If you want to know about the version of Zimbra , use the option -v as follows.

[zimbra@mail root]$ zmcontrol -v
Release 8.7.0_GA_1659.RHEL7_64_20160628202714 RHEL7_64 FOSS edition.

To check the volume:
Youc can check the list of available volume of Zimbra by using the following command.

[zimbra@mail root]$ zmvolume --list
   Volume id: 1
        name: message1
        type: primaryMessage
        path: /opt/zimbra/store
  compressed: false
     current: true

   Volume id: 2
        name: index1
        type: index
        path: /opt/zimbra/index
  compressed: false
     current: true

To generate SSHkey

If you want the SSHkey for Zimbra, use the following command.

[zimbra@mail root]$ zmsshkeygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /opt/zimbra/.ssh/zimbra_identity.
Your public key has been saved in /opt/zimbra/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
The key' s randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|     ..          |
|    E o.         |
|     = +.o       |
|      o+Oo       |
|      ooS=oo     |
|     ..oo+o o    |
|       .  ..     |
|                 |
|                 |

To execute python scripts

It is possible to operate and execute python scripts in Zimbra. Use the following command to open the Python terminal.

[zimbra@mail root]$ zmpython
Jython 2.5.2 (Release_2_5_2:7206, Mar 2 2011, 23:12:06)
[OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Oracle Corporation)] on java1.8.0_92-zimbra
Type " help" , " copyright" , " credits"  or " license"  for more information.
> > > 
Tag : Zimbra
how to generate the SSHkey in zimbra?
you want the SSHkey for Zimbra, use the following command.
$ zmsshkeygen
what is the command to check the version of zimbra volume?
Youc can check the list of available volume of Zimbra by using the following command.

$ zmvolume --list
what command used to check the version of zimbra?
you want to know about the version of Zimbra , use the option as follows
# zmcontrol -v
how to check the hostname for zimbra?
you want to check the hostname of your Zimbra mail server, use the following command.
$ zmhostname
How to check the overall status of the accounts ?
use the"zmaccts" command to check the overall status of accounts