How to Configure and Create Own Article in MediaWiki

To Configure and Create Own Article in MediaWiki

Mediawiki is an opensource wiki application which is written in PHP programing. The contents of Media wiki are stored in database. It is used for several wiki projects like Wikipedia, Wikimedia and many more. In this article we are going to show how to configure and create own article in Mediawiki.


Move the downloaded LocalSettings.php file into mediawiki root directory.

[root@linuxhelp Desktop]# mv LocalSettings.php /var/www/html/media/

Change the required permission for LocalSetting.php

[root@linuxhelp Desktop]# chmod 644 /var/www/html/media/LocalSettings.php

Change the selinux policy for LocalSetting.

[root@linuxhelp Desktop]# restorecon -r /var/www/html/media/LocalSettings.php

Open the web browser and navigate to http://< IP_address> /admin/indexxpMain

The main page of Mediawiki appears.

Click the Login button and enter the Login credentials.

Click Discussion tab in Mainpage to modify the main page.

To preview the page, click Show preview.

To add topics, Click Add topic option .

Enter the subtitle for topic and also give the description for the article. Finally preview the status and click save.

Now the topic will be successfully added. If you want to add more topics, follow the same steps.

To view the last activities, click view history tab.

How do I create a new page?
There are several ways to create a new page:
Create a link to the page on another page, then click on the red link which appears
Browse to the intended location of the page
Can I install more than one wiki on a server using MediaWiki?
It is possible to install more than one wiki on a server provided that:
1)You use a different database for each wiki
2)You use a different database prefix for each wiki
Does MediaWiki require shell access?
Shell access (SSH) is not required for installing MediaWiki, but it is highly recommended. Without shell access, it may even be difficult for you to get a backup of your wiki, or to upgrade to a new version. Some maintenance tasks are not possible at all without shell access. Many major extensions work best with shell access.
How do I completely disable caching?
Add in your LocalSettings.php file the following lines:

$wgEnableParserCache = false;
$wgCachePages = false;
Does MediaWiki work with safe_mode enabled?
Yes, MediaWiki is a safemode but only to a limited degree in safemode