How to create Blacklist entries in Elastix

To create Blacklist entries in Elastix

Blacklist is a module available in Elastix and is used to block any unknown mobile numbers or spams. This article covers the process involved in adding the blacklist module in Elastix.

To create a Blacklist

Open the Elastix dashboard and choose PBX ---> PBX Configuration from the left pane of the dashboard. From the listed options, choose Blacklist.

Enter the number or caller ID you want to add in the blacklist. It is optional to give the description. Once you have entered the details click on the Blocked/Unknown caller ID checkox and click submit changes.

Once it is done, click on the Apply Config option.

The New blacklist entry is added successfully.

If you want to edit or delete the blacklist entry, choose the options present under the Number/CallerIDDescription.

Tag : Elastix
Can messages to a group be moderated?
Yes, but only if you use Groups for Business.
Is it possible to transform a set of points instead of a complete image with transform is?
Yes, that is possible. See section 4.2 of the manual.
transformix -tp TransformParameters.txt -out outputDirectory -def FileWithPoints.txt
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You take the TransformParameter.txt file resulting from the registration and change the Size and Spacing to the ones of the full image. Then you can use transformix to apply this transformation:
(FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder 0)
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At least with the ones that are used on the nightly dashboard: Currently (2013), these include Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 and 2010 on Windows and GCC 4.x and clang 3.3+ on Linux 64bit or on Mac OS X. The underlying ITK code works with numerous compilers.
Is it possible to apply the inverse transformation with elastic?
Section 6.1.6 of the manual explains how to compute the inverse.