How to create Conference in Elastix

To create Conference in Elastix

Conferences is a module available in Elastix, and is used to create a single extension number for the users to dial so that they can talk to each other in a conference call.

To create Conference

Open the Elastix dashboard and choose PBX --> PBX configuration from the left pane of the dashboard. Choose Conferences from the listed options.

Now, enter all the necessary details such as Conference number, Conference name, User PIN and Admin PIN.
If the user PIN is set the user has to enter the PIN to join the conference call
Admin PIN is defined for the Admin user

Conference Options:

Following are the options available in the Add Conference page

Join Message

Message audio can be added to make the caller hear the join message before joining the conference call.

Leader wait
If this option is enabled, the users must wait until the leader arrives in the conference call to start the conference.

Talker Optimization
If Talker Optimization option is enabled, the asterisk treats the talkers who are not speaking as muted

Talker detection
When the Talker Detection option is chosen, Asterisk will send events on the manager interface identifying the channel that is talking.

Quiet mode

If Quiet mode opion is enabled, no sound will be played during a conference call.

User count
If enabled, the User Count option notifies the count of the callers involved everytime a new caller joins.

User join/leave
If enabled, the User join/leave notifies whenever a user joins or leaves the conference call.

Music on hold
Enable Music on hold option when the conference has a single caller. This option can be used based on the user needs.

Record conferences
Enable this option to record the conference calls

Maximum participants
Maximum participants option is used for selecting the maximum participants for a conference call.

Mute on join
Enable this option to mute the conference call when a new user joins the conference.

After configuring, click submit changes and apply config

New conference has been successfully created.

Tag : Elastix
Is it possible to transform a set of points instead of a complete image with transformix?
The first line should be "index" or "point", depending if the user supplies voxel indices or real-world coordinates. The second line should be the number of points that should be transformed. The third and following lines give the indices or points.
It is also possible to deform all points, thereby generating a deformation field image. This is done using -def all in the call to transformix.
I applied the transformation as found by the registration on a binary segmentation, but the deformed segmentation is not binary anymore and contains holes?
This is due to the interpolation. You can change the interpolation order in the TransformParameter.txt file to nearest neighbor interpolation:
(FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder 0)
I applied the transformation as found by the registration on a binary segmentation, but the deformed segmentation is not binary anymore and contains holes?
This is due to the interpolation. You can change the interpolation order in the TransformParameter.txt file to nearest neighbor interpolation:
(FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder 0)
With what compilers does elastix work?
At least with the ones that are used on the nightly dashboard: Currently (2013), these include Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 and 2010 on Windows and GCC 4.x and clang 3.3+ on Linux 64bit or on Mac OS X. The underlying ITK code works with numerous compilers.
Is it possible to transform a set of points instead of a complete image with transform is?
Yes, that is possible. See section 4.2 of the manual.