How to install IntelliJ IDEA-2017.3.4 on Solus3

To install IntelliJ IDEA-2017.3.4 on Solus3.

IntelliJ IDEA is a Java integrated development environment (IDE) for developing computer software. It is developed by JetBrains. Its available as an Apache 2 Licensed community edition, and in a proprietary commercial edition. It’ s a cross-platform application that available for most using major Operating Systems such as Window, MAC os, and lots of Linux distributions. It is so simple to install IntelliJ IDEA-2017.3.4 on Solus3, and this tutorial also covers the same process.

Installing IntelliJ IDEA

First, make sure you update the system repository by making use of the following command.

root@linuxhelp1 ~ # eopkg update-repo 
Updating repository: Solus
eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum     (40.0  B)100%    618.26 KB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
eopkg-index.xml.xz             (1.7 MB)100%    384.09 KB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
No signature found for
Package database updated.

And download the installation package with the help of the following command.

root@linuxhelp1 ~ # eopkg bi --ignore-safety
pspec.xml                      (5.0 KB)100%      5.31 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]                     (232.0  B)100%      3.57 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
DEBUG: RepoDB initialized in 0.000241041183472.
idea.desktop                   (197.0  B)100%      5.55 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
Building source package: idea
Fetching source from:
ideaIU-2017.3.4-no-jdk.tar.gz  (537.2 MB)100%    663.11 KB/s [00:00:01] [complete]
Source archive is stored: /var/cache/eopkg/archives/ideaIU-2017.3.4-no-jdk.tar.gz
Unpacking archive(s)...
 unpacked (/var/eopkg/idea-2017.3.4-16/work)
Setting up source...
Building source...
Testing package...
DEBUG: return value for " LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/idea-2017.3.4-16/install/opt/idea/plugins/tfsIntegration/lib/native/solaris/x86/"  is 0
DEBUG: Checking /var/eopkg/idea-2017.3.4-16/install/opt/idea/plugins/tfsIntegration/lib/native/linux/x86/ for binary dependencies
DEBUG: return value for " LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/idea-2017.3.4-16/install/opt/idea/plugins/tfsIntegration/lib/native/linux/x86/"  is 0
DEBUG: Checking /var/eopkg/idea-2017.3.4-16/install/opt/idea/plugins/tfsIntegration/lib/native/solaris/x86/ for binary dependencies
DEBUG: return value for " LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/idea-2017.3.4-16/install/opt/idea/plugins/tfsIntegration/lib/native/solaris/x86/"  is 0
DEBUG: Checking /var/eopkg/idea-2017.3.4-16/install/opt/idea/plugins/tfsIntegration/lib/native/linux/x86_64/ for binary dependencies
DEBUG: return value for " LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/idea-2017.3.4-16/install/opt/idea/plugins/tfsIntegration/lib/native/linux/x86_64/"  is 0
Creating idea-2017.3.4-16-1-x86_64.eopkg...
Keeping build directory

You can install the application by triggering the following command.

root@linuxhelp1 ~ # eopkg it idea*.eopkg
The following packages will be installed in order to satisfy dependencies:
Do you want to continue? (yes/no)y
Safety switch forces the upgrade of following packages:
Following packages will be installed:
openjdk-8  zlib
The total size of package(s): 182.70 MB
Downloading 1 / 2
Package zlib found in repository Solus
zlib-1.2.11-18-1-x86_64.eopkg  (46.0 KB)100%     34.56 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
Downloading 2 / 2
Package openjdk-8 found in repository Solus
openjdk-8-8.172-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (182.7 MB)100%      1.04 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
Installing 1 / 2
zlib-1.2.11-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached]
Installing zlib, version 1.2.11, release 18
Upgrading to new distribution release
Extracting the files of zlib
Upgraded zlib
Installing 2 / 2
openjdk-8-8.172-13-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached]
Installing openjdk-8, version 8.172, release 13
Extracting the files of openjdk-8
Installed openjdk-8
 [✓] Syncing filesystems                                                success
 [✓] Updating dynamic library cache                                     success
 [✓] Updating mimetype database                                         success
 [✓] Updating desktop database                                          success
 [✓] Updating manpages database                                         success
Installation order: idea 
Installing idea, version 2017.3.4, release 16
Extracting the files of idea
Installed idea
 [✓] Syncing filesystems                                                success
 [✓] Updating desktop database                                          success

The installation has been completed. Go to the Solus search field.

Type the word IDEA on the search field.

Click on the icon to open the application.

In the installer, you need to choose your installation path.

Accept the terms and condition.

And then, you need to send statistics to Jetbrain.

Also, make sure you choose License Activation.

And accept that License agreement.

Next, you need to choose UI of IDEA and proceed further.

And choose the Desktop entry.

And now, choose path of Script launcher.

Go to the default plugins area.

And choose to customize plugins

Also, enter the credentials for authentication.

The application is getting initialized.

Now, the welcome page of IDEA will appears.

You can now open your project here.

You should create new project.

And now, choose the language you prefer.

Also, choose project template of your choice.

And then choose project detail.

Then, it shows the tips for IDEA.

You can now open a project

You can also check the version.

With this, the tutorial installation of IntelliJ IDEA-2017.3.4 on Solus3 comes to an end.

Is there a community edition for CLion? Is CLion available as a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA?
CLion is a commercial product built on our own open-source IntelliJ Platform. As all other JetBrains products, CLion has a variety of licensing options, including free and paid ones. Students and open source projects qualify for free licenses. CLion is also available as a part of All Products pack. Startups can get 50% off. Check the details on our site. However, community edition is not planned for now.

In the future, a CLion-based plugin will likely be made available for IntelliJ IDEA, but this is not on our short-term roadmap due to many requests with higher priority.
How to start CLion on FreeBSD?
CLion bundles a few native components built for Linux, these binaries won't work on FreeBSD. Noticeable examples are:

JRE (you need to install it in order to launch CLion),
fsnotifier (you will be warned on startup that file sync may be slow),
libpty (required for running apps with controlling TTY),
and GDB.
How to install IntelliJ IDEA on Ubuntu?
For the installation of the IntelliJ IDEA on Ubuntu, use the following link as given below "".
How to get the official documentation of the IntelliJ IDEA?
Get the official documentation of the IntelliJ IDEA, use the following link as given below "".
What are the alternative tools available for the IntelliJ IDEA?
The following alternative tools are available for the IntelliJ IDEA as
"Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, NetBeans".