How to add Music on hold module on Elastix 5

To add Music on Hold module on Elastix 5

Elastix 5 is an open source software for your server for PBX Unified communications solution. The ' Music on Hold' module in Elastix 5 is a feature to reassure callers that they are still connected to their calls. We have already covered about several aspects of Elastix such as creating an extension and adding a ring group module in our previous articles. In this article, we are going to see the method to add the ' Music on Hold' module in Elastix.

To add Music on Hold

Click on the Settings option available on the left panel.

From the list of options available on Settings, choose Music on Hold.

Click on upload and select the music file which you wanted to set as the Music on hold. Make sure the music file meets the requirements.

Enter all the information needed.

The music file has been uploaded. Now, use the record option to add your own music file. Also, enter name for the recording and select the extension number for which you want to add the music file.

Enable the Randomize Playback and configure it.

And then, click OK to add the new music file.

The Music on Hold option is enabled for your Elastix service. It was so simple procedure, wasn' t it? Stay connected to Linuxhelp for more tutorials on Elastix 5.

Tag : Elastix
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I have, however, not tested it recently on an Elastix system earlier than 2.2. These notes were completely revised from my original notes, and have been tested against 3 different Elastix 2.2rc3 systems.
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"Yes, that is possible. See section 4.2 of the manual.

transformix -tp TransformParameters.txt -out outputDirectory -def FileWithPoints.txt"
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"Edgar Landivar has publicly stated that Elastix will remain available as Open Source software.

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transformix -in fullImage.ext -tp TransformParameter_Changed.txt -out outputDirectory"
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"On Linux, the solution is: add the elastix lib directory to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You can add the following line to ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=yourelastixdir/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"