How to install BigTree CMS – 4.2.21 on linux mint – 18.03

To install BigTree CMS &ndash 4.2.21 on Linux Mint 18.03

Bigtree CMS is a free and open source Content Management System. It allows us to create your own website. It is built on PHP and MySQL and uses various PHP templates. It can be used to manage complex content like blog posts, formatted news releases, calendar events, frequently asked questions, and homepage features.


  • Install LAMP (Apache, php7.0, MariaDB-server)
  • In MariaDB (create database, user and give privileges to the user)
  • For PHP installation follow the instructions given below
  1. add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
  2. apt-get update
  3. Modules apt-get install php7.0
(apt-get install php-mysql php-curl php-json php-cgi php libapache2-mod-php php-mcrypt php-xmlrpc php-gd php-mbstring php  php-common  php-xmlrpc php-soap  php-xml php-intl
 php-cli  php-ldap php-zip php-readline php-imap php-tidy php-recode php-sqlite3 php-xdebug php-gettext php-dev php-pear php-memcache php-memcached php-bz2)

Installing BigTree CMS &ndash 4.2.21

We have to download the big tree cms package from the browser, using the following this link.

After Downloading unzip the downloaded package.

linuxhelp Downloads # unzip 
   creating: BigTree-CMS/
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/.gitmodules  
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/   
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/bigtree.sql  
   creating: BigTree-CMS/core/
   creating: BigTree-CMS/core/admin/
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/core/admin/_nav-tree.php  
   creating: BigTree-CMS/core/admin/ajax/
   creating: BigTree-CMS/core/admin/ajax/auto-modules/
   creating: BigTree-CMS/core/inc/lib/slug-generator/tests/
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/core/inc/lib/slug-       
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/core/inc/lib/slug-generator/tests/SlugOptionsTest.php  
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/core/inc/lib/slug-generator/tests/bootstrap.php  
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/core/inc/lib/text-statistics.php  
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/core/launch.php  
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/core/router.php  
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/core/version.php  
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/example-site.sql  
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/install.php  
  inflating: BigTree-CMS/license.txt

We have to rename the bigtree directory.

linuxhelp Downloads # mv BigTree-CMS/ bigtree

After that, we have to move the file into the /var/www directory.

linuxhelp Downloads # mv bigtree/ /var/www/

Now switch to the directory /var/www directory.

linuxhelp Downloads # cd /var/www/

We have to change ownership and permission for the file.

linuxhelp www # ls
bigtree  html
linuxhelp www # chown -R www-data:www-data bigtree/
linuxhelp www # chmod -R 775 bigtree/

We have to change the value of the php.ini file.

linuxhelp www # vim /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini

Modify the following lines as shown here.

file_uploads = On
short_open_tag = On
upload_max_filesize = 64M
post_max_size = 64M

We have to configure a virtual host for big tree cms. Create a file named bigtree.conf.

linuxhelp www # cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
linuxhelp sites-available # vim bigtree.conf
< VirtualHost *:80> 
DocumentRoot /var/www/bigtree/
< Directory /var/www/bigtree/> 
AllowOverride All
allow from all
< /Directory> 
< /VirtualHost> 

And then we have to enable the site access.

linuxhelp sites-available # a2ensite bigtree.conf 
Enabling site bigtree.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  service apache2 reload

We have to enable the rewrite module.

linuxhelp sites-available # a2enmod rewrite 
Enabling module rewrite.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  service apache2 restart

We have to enter to the hosts file.

linuxhelp sites-available # vim /etc/hosts
< give your ip >      < give your domain name> 

Finally, we have to restart the apache2 service.

linuxhelp sites-available # systemctl restart apache2.service

After restarting apache server we have to open the browser, enter the local IP or domain name.

Here enter the database and Admin user detail click and continue.

Next, create a user account for admin login.

Once everything is set up click install now.

After installation completes, it will show the status of the installation. Follow the admin URL to access as an admin user.

Enter the credentials to log in.

It will show admin page of BigTree CMS.

With this, the method to install BigTree CMS &ndash 4.2.21 on Linux Mint &ndash 18.03

Why I'm seeing a page with broken styles or a 500 error after installing BigTree, what's up?
Many shared hosts have issues with .htaccess files. We have a section dedicated to some common platforms for installing BigTree.
Where do I ask a question or report a bug for "Bigtree CMS"?
If you have questions about how to use BigTree, check out the ""
For specific bugs or feature requests, please in ""
How do I suggest a new BigTree feature?
Users and developers are welcome to submit feature requests through the Feature Requests channel in our Forum.
How does BigTree CMS stack up against the competition?
We think it's the best, but don't take our word for it. BigTree CMS was recently ranked in the Top 50 CMS platforms available within the industry.
How to use BigTree with a nginx web server?
Yes, BigTree will work on a ngninx environment but does not come without of the box support. You'll need to add directives to either your global nginx configuration file or your virtual host as laid out ""