How to install Ice HRM V-21.1.0  on Linuxmint-18.03

To install Ice HRM V-21.1.0  on Linuxmint-18.03

ICE Hrm is a Human resource management system for small and medium-sized organizations .it’;s based on php and MySQL database. It covers all the basic HRM needs of a company such as leave management, time management and handling of employee information. In this tutorial, we will see the installation of Ice HRM on Linux mint 18.3


Install LAMP (Apache, php7.1, mariadb-server)
In MariaDB (create database, user and give privileges to the user)


add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php 
apt-get update 
apt-get install php7.1
apt install php7.1 libapache2-mod-php7.1 php7.1-common php7.1-mbstring php7.1-xmlrpc php7.1-soap php7.1-gd php7.1-xml php7.1-intl php7.1-mysql php7.1-cli php7.1-mcrypt 
php7.1-ldap php7.1-zip php7.1-curl

Download the icehrm package, using the following link

Go to the download directory

linuxhelp ~ # cd /home/user/Downloads/
linuxhelp Downloads # ls

After downloading we have to  extract  downloaded directory

linuxhelp Downloads # unzip 
   creating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/
   creating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/admin/
   creating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/admin/attendance/
   creating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/admin/company_structure/
   creating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/admin/dashboard/
   creating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/admin/data/
   creating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/admin/employees/
   creating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/admin/employees/customTemplates/
   creating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/admin/fieldnames/
  inflating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/web/bower_components/tinymce/themes/inlite/theme.js  
  inflating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/web/bower_components/tinymce/themes/inlite/theme.min.js  
  inflating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/web/bower_components/tinymce/themes/modern/index.js  
  inflating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/web/bower_components/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.js  
  inflating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/web/bower_components/tinymce/themes/modern/theme.min.js  
  inflating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/web/bower_components/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.js  
  inflating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/web/bower_components/tinymce/tinymce.jquery.min.js  
  inflating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/web/bower_components/tinymce/tinymce.js  
  inflating: icehrm_v21.1.0.OS/web/bower_components/tinymce/tinymce.min.js  

Rename the downloaded directory

linuxhelp Downloads # ls
linuxhelp Downloads # mv icehrm_v21.1.0.OS icehrm
here we have to move the icehrm directory into the /var/www/html directory
linuxhelp Downloads # mv icehrm /var/www/html/
Go to /var/www/html directory
linuxhelp Downloads # cd /var/www/html/
linuxhelp html # ls
icehrm  index.html

we have to change ownership and permission for the icehrm directory

linuxhelp html # chown -R www-data:www-data icehrm/ && chmod -R 775 icehrm/

we have to configure the virtual host for icehrm. Create an empty file named  icehrm.conf

linuxhelp html # cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
linuxhelp sites-available # vim icehrm.conf

<virtualhost *:80>
Documentroot  /var/www/html/icehrm
<Directory /var/www/html/icehrm>
AllowOverride all
order allow,deny
allow from all

enable the icehrm.conf file

linuxhelp sites-available # a2ensite icehrm.conf 
Enabling site icehrm.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run
service apache2 reload

make an entry to the host file as follows

linuxhelp sites-available # vim /etc/hosts
<give your ip>    <give your domain name>

Restart  apache web server

linuxhelp sites-available # systemctl restart apache2.service

 After restarting apache server open the browser, and enter the local IP or domain name

Configure file path and database configuration 

you will see the following popup message after establishing a connection with the database

Configure database setup as follows 

A pop up will appear after the installation as shown here

Remove the installation directory before login 

linuxhelp sites-available # cd /var/www/html/icehrm/app/
linuxhelp app # ls
api                cron.php  entry.php            header.php  login.php   service.php
config.php         data      fileupload_page.php  index.php   logout.php  update.php
config.sample.php  data.php  fileupload.php       install     rest.php
linuxhelp app # rm -rvf install/
removed 'install/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css'
removed 'install/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css'
removed 'install/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css'
removed 'install/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css'
removed directory 'install/bootstrap/css'
removed 'install/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png'
removed 'install/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings.png'
removed directory 'install/bootstrap/img'
removed 'install/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js'
removed 'install/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js'
removed directory 'install/bootstrap/js'
removed directory 'install/bootstrap'
removed 'install/submit.php'
removed 'install/index.php'
removed 'install/config.php'
removed 'install/data-styles.css'
removed directory 'install/'

Restart apache web server

linuxhelp app # systemctl restart apache2.service

After the successful login, you will see the admin page of ICE HRM as shown below

with this, the method to install Ice HRM V-21.1.0  on Linuxmint-18.03 comes to an end.

Tag : Linux Mint
Is there any alternatives for Ice HRM?
Alternatives are,
Farsight HCM
How to extract the downloaded package?
Run the following command:
# unzip
How to extract the downloaded package?
Run the following command:
# unzip
what are the Pre-requirements of Ice HRM V-21.1.0?
Pre-requirements are,
Install LAMP (Apache, php7.1, mariadb-server)
In MariaDB (create database, user and give privileges to the user)
What is Ice HRM?
ICE Hrm is a Human resource management system for small and medium-sized organizations .it’s based on php and MySQL database. It covers all the basic HRM needs of a company such as leave management, time management and handling of employee information.