How to install Tomatocart on linuxmint 18.3

To install Tomatocart on linuxmint 18.3
TomatoCart is a professional and innovative open source eCommerce solution. The back-end is an impressive desktop-like ExtJS-powered interface, offering significant usability improvements and user experience. It' s the most easy-to-use shopping cart. In this tutorial, we will cover the grounds on the installation of tomato crat on Linux mint 18.3


  • Install LAMP (Apache, php7.0, MariaDB-server)

For MariaDB (create database, user and give privileges to the user)

  • For PHP installation
  apt-get install python-software-properties
  add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
  apt-get update
  apt-get install -y php5.6  php5.6-mysql php5.6-curl php5.6-xml  php5.6-mcrypt php5.6-gd 


You have to download the Tomatocart package from the browser, using the following link.

After downloading, extract the downloaded package using unzip command

linuxhelp ~ # cd /home/user/Downloads/
linuxhelp Downloads # ls
linuxhelp Downloads # unzip 
   creating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.
  inflating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.  
  inflating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.  
  inflating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.  
  inflating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.  
  inflating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.  
  inflating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.  
  inflating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.  
  inflating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.  
   creating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.
   creating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.
  inflating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.  
  inflating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.  
  inflating: TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.  

Next, rename the extracted tomatocart directory

linuxhelp Downloads # ls  TomatoCart-v1-released-v1.
linuxhelp Downloads # mv TomatoCart-v1-released-v1. TomatoCart
linuxhelp Downloads # ls

And then you have to move the tomatocart directory to the /var/www/html directory

linuxhelp Downloads # mv TomatoCart /var/www/html/

Now go to HTML directory

linuxhelp Downloads # cd /var/www/html/
linuxhelp html # ls
index.html  TomatoCart/

Next, you have to change ownership and permission for the file as follows

linuxhelp html # chown -R www-data:www-data TomatoCart/   chmod -R 775 TomatoCart/

And then configure a virtual host for tomatocart. by creating a tomatocart.conf file as follows

linuxhelp TomatoCart # vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/tomatocart.conf
< virtualhost *:80> 
Documentroot /var/www/html/TomatoCart
< Directory /var/www/html/TomatoCart> 
AllowOverride all
order allow,deny
allow from all
< /Directory> 
< /virtualhost> 

Next, enable the tomatocart.conf file

linuxhelp TomatoCart # a2ensite tomatocart.conf 
Enabling site tomatocart.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run
  service apache2 reload

After that, you have to make an entry to the host' s file as follows

linuxhelp TomatoCart# vim /etc/hosts
< give your ip address>    < give your domain name> 

Finally, you need to restart your Apache web server to make the changes effect

linuxhelp TomatoCart # systemctl restart apache2.service 

After restarting apache server proceed for the further installation graphically from the browser, by navigating to http://local ip or domain name

Now the installation wizard will appear where you need to start with accepting the terms and condition

Now it will show pre-installation check. once done click and continue.

next, configure the database setup and proceed further.

Now configure the server setup and click continue.

Next, configure your store settings and click continue to proceed further

Once the configuration is done, it will show the finished installation status. If you want login your admin page click administration tool

Now, you will the admin login page. Use the admin credentials to log in

On successful login, you will see the admin dashboard of tomatocart as shown below

With this, the method to install Tomatocart on linux mint 18.3 comes to an end.

what are the Pre-requirements to install Tomato cart?
The Pre-requirements to install Tomato cart are

Install LAMP (Apache, php7.0, MariaDB-server)
For MariaDB (create database, user and give privileges to the user)
Whta is tomato cart & how it is used?
TomatoCart is a professional and innovative open source eCommerce solution. The back-end is an impressive desktop-like ExtJS-powered interface, offering significant usability improvements and user experience.
how to enable the rewrite modules?
# a2enmod rewrite
where to create error and access log?
create error and access log for tomtato cart use the following path /var/log/linuxhelp/error_log
Customlog /var/log/linuxhelp/access_log
What are the alternative of tomatocart?
the alternative of tomatocart were