Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya Beta version now available for download

The upcoming version of Linux Mint 18.2 “ Sonya” , achieves Beta release. It has Ubuntu as a base, but instead uses Mate or Cinnamon environments. Since it the future of Ubuntu is uncertain it may be a good time to look into Linux Mint.

Sonya is based on Ubuntu 16.04 and uses Linux kernel 4.8. The Linux Mint team is making a big deal of improved Bluetooth support and setting in Sonya. The cinnamon spices website is also revamped to lets the user to add desk lets, themes, applets and extensions to Cinnamon desktop.

Some other features also include improved Update manager, LightDM display manager that offers a sophisticated login screen with HiDPI support.

There are some enhancements to the Xed, Pix, Xreader, Xviewer, Xplayer, Update manager and software sources apps. The installation of the ISO image can be downloaded via USB type A or C.

Tag : Linux Mint
What are the features available in the Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya Beta version?
Foe getting the features available in the Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya Beta version, use the folowing link as given "below,"
How to Integrity and authenticity checks in Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya Beta version?
Once you have downloaded an image, please verify its integrity and authenticity.

Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.

Please read and follow the steps at
Link to the sums: sha256sum.txt
Link to the signed sums: sha256sum.txt.gpg
What are the different download link available for the Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya Beta version?
The following link available for the Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya Beta version,
World EvoWise CDN
Canada Manitoba Unix User Group
Canada University of Waterloo Computer Science Club
USA Clarkson University
USA Harvard School of Engineering
USA James Madison University
USA Linux Freedom
USA MetroCast Cablevision
USA Nexcess
USA pair Networks
How to upgrade the instrunction for installing the Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya Beta version?
Upgrade instructions:
This BETA release might contain critical bugs, please only use it for testing purposes and to help the Linux Mint team fix issues prior to the stable release.
It will be possible to upgrade from this BETA to the stable release.
It will also be possible to upgrade from Linux Mint 18.1. Upgrade instructions will be published after the stable release of Linux Mint 18.2.
What are the system requirement for installing the Linux mint 18.2 Sonya version beta?
For the system requirement to install Linux mint 18.2 Sonya version beta as given below,

512MB RAM (1GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
11GB of disk space (20GB recommended).
Graphics card capable of 1024×768 resolution.
DVD drive or USB port.