How to create Digital Receptionist in Elastix 5

To add a Digital Receptionist on Elastix 5

Digital Receptionist is an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) module available on Elastix 5. In the previous version of Elastix, the utility was available as IVR. The Digital Receptionist module enables you to record or upload an audio which will be played to the callers prompting them the options to enter. Asa part of our Elastix 5 series, we have already covered tutorials related to Creating an Extension, Extension Groups, Ring Groups, and also Music on Hold. In this article, you will be briefed about the method to add the Digital Receptionist module on Elastix 5.

Adding Digital Receptionist

In order to create a Digital receptionist on your Elastix 5 service, choose the Digital Receptionist option present at the left pane of the dashboard.

In the next page, click on Add, and then enter all the details such as name and extension. Also, select the recording and receptionist language.

Then enter all the necessary Menu Options.

Now, enter the number of seconds for If no input within seconds field and select an option for If input is invalid field.

Then, enable or disable the wakeup call service

Finally, click on OK to create the new Digital Receptionist.

New Digital receptionist has been created.

Don' t you think it was a simple procedure? Stay connected to learn more on Elastix 5.

Tag : Elastix IVR
how to adding the Digital Receptionist in elastix5?
create a Digital receptionist on your Elastix 5 service, choose the Digital Receptionist option present at the left pane of the dashboard
what is the use of create Digital Receptionist in Elastix 5?
Digital Receptionist is an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) module available on Elastix 5. In the previous version of Elastix, the utility was available as IVR. The Digital Receptionist module enables you to record or upload an audio which will be played to the callers prompting them the options to enter.
how Digital Receptionist is different from ivr?
It is an ivr (i.e) Digital Receptionist is an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) module available on Elastix 5. In the previous version of Elastix, the utility was available as IVR
What was its essential properties of Digital Receptionist in Elastix 5?
Digital Receptionist module enables you to record or upload an audio which will be played to the callers prompting them the options to enter
how to create extension in Elastix 5?
refer the below link to create extension in elastix 5