How to install Arangodb in Ubuntu

To install Arangodb in Ubuntu 16.04

Arango database is a multi-model database system. It uses the combination of Key-Value pairs, documents, graphs to store data and has a flexible data model for documentation and graphs. Installation and usage of ArangoDB v3.0.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 is explained in this manual.

To install arango

Utilise the following command to download arango key file.

root@linuxhelp:~# wget
--2016-07-27 14:38:37--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1003 [application/pgp-keys]
Saving to: ‘ Release.key’ 

Release.key             100%[==============================> ]    1003  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2016-07-27 14:38:38 (22.3 MB/s) - ‘ Release.key’  saved [1003/1003]

Append the key file by using the following command.

root@linuxhelp:~# apt-key add Release.key

Install the " software-properties-common” with the help of apt command.

root@linuxhelp:~# apt install software-properties-common
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  linux-headers-4.4.0-21 linux-headers-4.4.0-21-generic linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic
Use ' sudo apt autoremove'  to remove them.
The following additional packages will be installed:
  python3-software-properties software-properties-gtk
The following packages will be upgraded:
  python3-software-properties software-properties-common software-properties-gtk
3 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 280 not upgraded.
Processing triggers for shared-mime-info (1.5-2) ...
Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme (0.15-0ubuntu1) ...
Setting up python3-software-properties ( ...
Setting up software-properties-common ( ...
Setting up software-properties-gtk ( ...

Use the following command to add the repository.

root@linuxhelp:~# apt-add-repository ' deb /' 

Then update the system by using the following command.

root@linuxhelp:~# apt-get update
Get:1 xenial-security InRelease [94.5 kB]
Hit:2 xenial InRelease
Hit:3 xenial InRelease                                    
Hit:4 xenial InRelease                               
Hit:5 xenial-updates InRelease                   
Hit:6 xenial-backports InRelease                 
Ign:7  InRelease
Hit:8  Release
Fetched 94.5 kB in 1s (51.2 kB/s)                              
Reading package lists... Done
W: Signature by key 4497DA50FBD0158CCFD1996CEE611E131C42E360 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)

Run the following command to install arangodb.

root@linuxhelp:~# apt-get install arangodb3
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  linux-headers-4.4.0-21 linux-headers-4.4.0-21-generic linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic
Use ' sudo apt autoremove'  to remove them.
The following NEW packages will be installed:
Processing triggers for systemd (229-4ubuntu4) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.7.5-1) ...
Setting up arangodb3 (3.0.3) ...
Database files are up-to-date.
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-19) ...
Processing triggers for systemd (229-4ubuntu4) ...

Set the root password for the database.

Check the status of the arangodb by using the following command.

root@linuxhelp:~# service arangodb status
 arangodb3.service - LSB: arangodb
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/arangodb3  bad  vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-07-27 14:56:48 IST  1min 59s ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
   CGroup: /system.slice/arangodb3.service
           ??40206 /usr/sbin/arangod --uid arangodb --gid arangodb --pid-file /var/run/arangodb
           ??40207 /usr/sbin/arangod --uid arangodb --gid arangodb --pid-file /var/run/arangodb

Jul 27 14:56:45 linuxhelp systemd[1]: Starting LSB: arangodb...
Jul 27 14:56:45 linuxhelp arangodb3[40162]:  * Starting arango database server arangod
Jul 27 14:56:48 linuxhelp arangodb3[40162]: {startup} starting up in daemon mode
Jul 27 14:56:48 linuxhelp arangodb3[40162]:    ...done.
Jul 27 14:56:48 linuxhelp systemd[1]: Started LSB: arangodb.
Jul 27 14:56:48 linuxhelp arangodb3[40162]: changed working directory for child process to ' /va
lines 1-14/14 (END)

To Launch arangodb

To launch Arangodb, run arangosh command.

root@linuxhelp:~# arangosh
Please specify a password:

  __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __   __ _  ___  ___| |__  
 / _` | ' __/ _` | ' _  / _` |/ _ / __| ' _ 
| (_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_) \__  | | |
 \__,_|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___/|___/_| |_|

arangosh (ArangoDB 3.0.3 [linux] 64bit, using VPack 0.1.30, ICU 54.1, V8, OpenSSL 1.0.2g-fips  1 Mar 2016)
Copyright (c) ArangoDB GmbH

Pretty printing values.
Connected to ArangoDB ' http+tcp://'  version: 3.0.3 [server], database: ' _system' , username: ' root' 

Type ' tutorial'  for a tutorial or ' help'  to see common examples> 

Open the browser and call http://localhost:8529

Login to ArangoDB using the user credentials.

Click Select db_ system to proceed further.

The home page of ArangoDB appears as follows.

Select dashboard interface to know about Request statistics, System Resources and Replication. Click System Resources tab to monitor the system status.

To view or to add folders click collections.

To query the datas, click query.

To view the graphical representation of your database, click graphs.

Click services, to add new services.

To add a new user, click user.

Click databases tab to add or create databases.

To view the Logs, click logs.

How do shapes work in ArangoDB?
*Documents that have the similar structure (i.e., that have the same attribute names and attribute types) can share their structural information. The structure (called “shape”) is saved just once, and multiple documents can re-use it by storing just a pointer to their “shape”.
Does ArangoDB support transaction?
ArangoDB provides support for user-definable transactions. Transactions in ArangoDB are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID).
ArangoDB transactions are different from transactions in SQL. In SQL, transactions are started with explicit BEGIN or START TRANSACTION commands.
Will I be able to choose how different collections are stored, or will it be a per-database choice?
It is a per server/cluster choice. It is not possible yet to mix modes or to use different storage engines in the same arangodb instance or cluster.
Does ArangoDB support SQL?
*ArangoDB does not support SQL. SQL is not well-suited to cover the different data models in ArangoDB.
*ArangoDB brings its own declarative language called AQL (ArangoDB Query Language). If you are familiar with SQL you will probably feel quickly at home with ArangoDB. For syntax examples see the SQL to AQL comparison.
Will I be able to go beyond the limit of RAM?
RocksDB Integration in ArangoDB:
Yes. By defining RocksDB as your storage engine you will be able to work with as much data as fits on your disc.