How to install Ardour audio editor in Ubuntu 16.04

To install Ardour audio editor in Ubuntu 16.04

Ardour is a cross-platform, open source digital audio editor which is similar to ProTools, Nuendo, Sonar and Logic. You can record, edit and mix your audio using Ardour audio editor. It also supports various plugins and also imports and exports audio clips to more than 30 different audio file formats. This tutorial explains the installation procedure of Ardour audio editor in Ubuntu 16.04.

Installation procedure

To start with the installation procedure, First you need to register and download the ardour installation package from the ardour official site . After downloading the package, run the following command to start the installation procedure.

root@example:/home/user1# cd Downloads/
root@example:/home/user1/Downloads# ll
total 122292
drwxr-xr-x  2 user1 user1      4096 Oct  4 05:39 ./
drwxr-xr-x 15 user1 user1      4096 Aug 20 07:16 ../
-rwxrw-rw-  1 user1 user1 125218148 Oct  4 02:31*

root@example:/home/user1/Downloads# ./
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Ardour  100%  
Welcome to the Ardour installer
Ardour will be installed for user  in /opt
Architecture is x86_64
Checking for required disk space
Bundle is on ext4 filesystem
Unpacking bundle for x86_64-gcc5
Bundle unpacked
Installing Ardour 5.12.0 in /opt
Adding Ardour to the applications menu
Install jack using system software repository? [y/n]: y
Attempting to install Jack
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Jack Version Check OK (jackdmp version 1.9.11 tmpdir /dev/shm protocol 8)
Cleaning up
!!! Install Complete !!!
Press ENTER to exit installer:

The installation is now complete. Now to open the application, click search and type ardour in the Ubuntu dashboard and click on the icon to run the application.

The Welcome screen of Ardour is shown on the screen.

The installation wizard prompts the user for creating a default folder for new sessions. Select the folder and click forward to move to the next page.

Select the monitoring choice and click forward option.

Select the monitoring section option and click forward.

Create a new session and select a new template with default settilngs and click open.

Select the audio system setup and you can also customize the options and click start.

Add your audio tracks to edit in the ardour.

The installation procedure of Ardour audio editor in Ubuntu 16.04 is done successfully.

What audio interfaces should I use with Ardour?
You can use any interface supported on your platform (Linux or OS X).

For PCI /PCIe/etc. cards to install inside a computer, we recommend:

more than 26 channels
more than 12 channels
2-12 channels
M-Audio Delta 1010
2-4 channels
M-Audio Delta 44, 66 or 2496
Whether the Ardour audio editor will support the Multi-platform application or not?
the following mentioned the Platform will supported this tools as "FreeBSD, Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows".
what are the System Requirements to use the Ardour audio editor?
For getting the information about the System Requirements to use the Ardour audio editor, us the following link as given below "".
What are the feature available in Ardour audio editor?
Forgetting the features aboutn the Ardour audio editor, use the following link as given below ""
How to get a source file of Ardour audio editor?
For getting the source of the Ardour audio editor, use the following link as given below "".