How TO Install Multiple Instance of Node using NVM on Windows 7

To Install Multiple Instance of Node using NVM on Windows 7
NVM stands for Node version manager & as you might have guessed with name, it is used to control Nodejs versions installed on our system. It is a command line utility, which allows us to use & switch between multiple versions of Nodejs. In this tutorial, we will cover the installation of Multiple Instance of Node using NVM on Windows 7


Download nvm from it' s official site and Run the setup of nvm

click next to start nvm setup

Accept the license terms and click next

select installation location and click next

select node installation location and click next

click install to install NVM

Now, Click on finish to complete the installation

Next, we have to add PATH of nvm installed location in Environment Variable. Go To Local disk C: --> users--> admin--> Appdata--> Roaming--> nvm, copy location

Next, open computer properties

In properties, choose advanced system settings

In advanced system settings, click on Environment Variable

In the Environment Variable, choose the path in System variables and click edit

Add nvm installed location path (which we copied) in Variable value and click ok

Open command prompt

To check Nvm, enter " nvm -version"

You will see the following output of nvm version command

Now, we are going to install NODE, using a command " nvm install 6.14.1"
6.14.1 indicates the version of node

Installation of node complete

Now, check for nvm maintain node list using a command " nvm list"

Now, we are going to install NODE 8.11.1, using a command nvm install 8.11.1
8.11.1 indicates the version of node

Installation of node complete now

Now, check for nvm maintain node list using a command nvm list

Now, If you want to use NODE 6.14.1, then give the following command nvm use 6.14.1

To check, node version and npm version, give the following command
&bull node -v
&bull npm -v

Now, If you want to use NODE 8.11.1, then give the following command
nvm use 8.11.1

To check, node version and npm version, give the following command
&bull node -v
&bull npm -v

with this, the method to Install Multiple Instance of Node using NVM on Windows 7 comes to an end.

What si NVM & its uses?
NVM stands for Node version manager & as you might have guessed with name, it is used to control Nodejs versions installed on our system. It is a command line utility, which allows us to use & switch between multiple versions of Nodejs.
I install npm using nvm by doing 'nvm install 6.11.2'. It said the installation is successful. But when I execute 'npm' in my prompt. It said command not found?
You need to open a new command prompt to pick up the new environment variables.
Do you need to be a member to implement the NVM specification(s)?
No, the specifications are open for use by the industry at large and are available at
What is the NVM Express Management Interface?
NVMe-MI is the command set and architecture for out of band management of NVM Express storage . NVMe-MI offers and industry standard way to manage NVMe devices in a much broader range of oper
how to uninstall any instance?
Us ethe following command to uninstall any instances
#nvm uninstall 8.9.4