How to install BackDrop CMS – 1.9.3 on Ubuntu – 17.04

To install BackDrop CMS &ndash 1.9.3 on Ubuntu &ndash 17.04
Backdrop CMS is a full-featured content management system that permits the non-technical users to manage a wide variety of content. It can be used to create all kinds of websites including blogs, image galleries, social networks, intranets, and more. Installation of Backdrop CMS is explained in this tutorial.

Backdrop CMS requires a webserver to functionally based on LAMP setup on your system and also with following required PHP modules.
apt-get install php-mysql php-curl php-json php-cgi php libapache2-mod-php php-mcrypt php-xmlrpc php-gd php-mbstring php php-common php-xmlrpc php-soap php-xml php-intl php-cli php-ldap php-zip php-readline php-imap php-tidy php-recode php-sqlite3 php-xdebug php-gettext php-dev php-pear php-memcache php-memcached php-bz2

Installing BackDrop CMS

To create the new database, you need to run the following command.

root@linuxhelp1:/var/www# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with   or g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 11
Server version: 10.1.25-MariaDB- Ubuntu 17.04

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type ' help '  or ' h'  for help. Type ' c'  to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]>  create database backdrop 
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]>  grant all privileges on backdrop.* to ' backuser' @' localhost'  identified by ' 123'  
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]>  flush privileges 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]>  exit 

And then, switch into the directory as follows.

root@linuxhelp1:~# cd /home/user/Downloads/

After that, unzip the packages in the following manner.

root@linuxhelp1:/home/user/Downloads# unzip
  inflating: backdrop/files/.htaccess  
  inflating: backdrop/files/  
  inflating: backdrop/core/includes/database/mysql/  
  inflating: backdrop/core/includes/database/mysql/  
  inflating: backdrop/core/includes/database/mysql/  
  inflating: backdrop/core/includes/database/mysql/  
  inflating: backdrop/core/includes/database/  
  inflating: backdrop/core/includes/database/  
  inflating: backdrop/core/includes/database/  
  inflating: backdrop/core/includes/database/  
  inflating: backdrop/core/includes/database/
  inflating: backdrop/profiles/minimal/minimal.profile  
  inflating: backdrop/profiles/minimal/  
  inflating: backdrop/profiles/minimal/minimal.install  
  inflating: backdrop/profiles/  
  inflating: backdrop/themes/  
  inflating: backdrop/sites/sites.php  
  inflating: backdrop/sites/  
  inflating: backdrop/index.php      
  inflating: backdrop/robots.txt     
  inflating: backdrop/.htaccess      
  inflating: backdrop/.editorconfig  
  inflating: backdrop/      
  inflating: backdrop/.gitignore     
  inflating: backdrop/settings.php

And then, move the file.

root@linuxhelp1:/home/user/Downloads# mv backdrop /var/www/

Again, switch to the directory.

root@linuxhelp1:/home/user/Downloads# cd /var/www/

Later, change ownership and permission for the file.

root@linuxhelp1:/var/www# chown -R www-data.www-data backdrop
root@linuxhelp1:/var/www# chmod -R 775 backdrop

And change the value inside php.ini file.

root@linuxhelp1:/var/www# vim /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini
memory_limit = 256M

You now need to create virtualHost. Run the following command and configure the VirtualHost.

root@linuxhelp1:/var/www# vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/backdrop.conf
< VirtualHost *:80> 
DocumentRoot /var/www/backdrop/

< Directory /var/www/backdrop/> 
AllowOverride All
allow from all
< /Directory> 

< /VirtualHost> 

And then, enable the site access.

root@linuxhelp1:/var/www# a2ensite backdrop.conf
Enabling site backdrop.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  systemctl reload apache2

After that, enable the rewrite module too.

root@linuxhelp1:/var/www# a2enmod rewrite
Enabling module rewrite.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  systemctl restart apache2

And disable the default site access.

root@linuxhelp1:/var/www# a2dissite 000-default.conf
Site 000-default disabled.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
  systemctl reload apache2

You should now restart the apache2 service.

root@linuxhelp1:/var/www# systemctl restart apache2

Now, open your browser and type http://local Ip (or) domain name.

And choose the language.

And give the database details and proceed further.

The Backdrop is now getting installed.

The site information is displayed. Configure it as you desire.

Now, open Backdrop application.

And then, check the version.

With this, the method to install Backdrop CMS comes to an end.

What type of Permission should be assigned for Backdrop CMS ?
The files directory in the Backdrop root must be writable by the webserver.

If the user who logs into the server (either by ftp or ssh) is myuser and the webserver user is www-data
How much Disk Space Backdrop CMS requires ?
A minimum installation requires 15 MB. A website with many contributed modules and themes installed may need 60 MB or more. A lot more space may be required for the database and files or media uploaded by the website's users.
Hey great guide but im stuck at step 8 I did everything but when I point to my IP in my case its it shows the welcome screen of “Welcome to nginx!” when i try
If the root location of your vhost points to /srv/www/html, then make a symlik to phpmyadmin with the following command: ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /srv/www/html/
Can you please help me? E325: ATTENTION Found a swap file by the name "/var/tmp/wp-config.php.swp" Why do I keep getting this message when I try to update my database information?
When a file is not properly closed, it will create a temporary file with same name as extension .swp, deleting this file will solve problem. # rm -rf /var/tmp/wp-config.php.swp
I am not able to edit my wp-config.php file as it has Read-Only permission. How do I edit it?
Use sudo command to gain root privileges: $sudo vi /path/to/file