How to Configure Load Balancer in Nginx with Least Connection

To Configure Load Balancer in Nginx with Least Connection

A load balancer, or server load balancer efficiently distributes network or application traffic across a number of servers. Whenever a server' s performance suffers due to excessive traffic or stops responding to requests, the load balancer will automatically switch the requests to a different server. In a nutshell, Load balancers improve the performance of networks and applications by automatically monitoring and managing application and network sessions.

It is really so simple to configure Load balancer in Nginx even with least connection, and this tutorial sheds light on the same process.

Least connection algorithm
In least connect the load balancer will send request to the server which has least number of active connections.

Load Balancer Configuration

Move into your NGINX configuration file location.

[root@www ~]# cd /etc/nginx/conf.d/

Create your own .conf file.

[root@www conf.d]# vim lb.conf 

And in that file, you enter the following configuration.

upstream backend {



         server {
         listen 80 

          location / {
          proxy_pass http://backend/test.html 


After that, check if the syntax is fine

[root@www conf.d]#  nginx -t

If things are fine, you shall restart your nginx service

[root@www conf.d]#  systemctl  restart nginx

My webserver 1 has test.html file which is quite big compared to the test.html file in web server 2

Now, switch to your browser and provide Machine’ s (load balancer IP or domain name) for your Webserver 1.

In another tab do the same as above for Webserver 2.

With the configuration of Load balancer in Nginx with Least connection comes to an end.

What is the Load Balancer Health API?
The load balancer health API is a programmatic mechanism for determining the health of a load balancer instance in relation to its backend servers.
What is Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancing?
Oracle Load Balancing distributes incoming traffic across multiple Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compute instances. It enables you to increase the fault tolerance of your application and optimize the available bandwidth for your application traffic by providing pre-provisioned load balancing capacity.
How does nginx load balancing work?
In a load balancing configuration nginx acts as single entrance point to a distributed web application working on multiple separate servers.
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A reverse proxy accepts a request from a client, forwards it to a server that can fulfill it, and returns the server's response to the client. A load balancer distributes incoming client re
Why do we need reverse proxy?
It can also be used to balance load among several back-end servers, or to provide caching for a slower back-end server.