How to create Recurring Invoice on Invoice Ninja

How to create Recurring Invoice on Invoice Ninja

In our previous article, we have seen how to do payment on Invoice Ninja. Today you will be briefed on how to create Recurring Invoice on Invoice Ninja. Invoice Ninja is a free, open-source solution for invoicing and billing customers. The concerned clients can print the invoices, download them as PDF files, and even pay the vendor from online from within the system. It also supports 45 integrated payment gateways to send invoices to customers within seconds.

Recurring Invoice Procedure

To start with the Recurring Invoice procedure, log in to Invoice Ninja with your credentials. The dashboard appears on the screen with all the required options.

Go to the Recurring menu on the left pane of menu and provide the client name, recurring time, start date and end date, due date and other relevant details.

Next provide the item description, cost and quantity.

You can also save the invoice as draft, mark as sent, and email the invoice to the customer.

The Recurring Invoice has been successfully created.

The table contains the newly created recurring invoice along with the other invoices.

A new Recurring Invoice is added successfully on Invoice Ninja. Stay tuned to know about how to use Credit module in Invoice Ninja in our upcoming articles.

What are the recurring invoices list provides a display of all active recurring invoices?
Here is a description of the columns in the recurring invoices list table, from left to right:
Frequency: How often the client is billed with this invoice, ie. Weekly, monthly, etc.
Client name: The client’s name
Start Date: The date the recurring invoice series started
Last sent: The date the last invoice was sent for this recurring invoice series
Amount: The amount due
What are the private notes in Invoice Ninja?
Private notes: Comments and notes that you added when creating the recurring invoice. Only you can see them.
What is clone invioce?
Clone to Invoice: Duplicate the recurring invoice as a new recurring invoice.
What is the API request limit innvoice Ninja?
The API limit is 1000 requests per hour.
How do I create an invoice after receiving a payment?
Create a zap with the value ‘Paid’ set to total amount.