How to install Centreon on CentOS 7

How to install Centreon on CentOS 7

Centreon is a free Open Source monitoring software which allows an administrator to easily configure alerts based on thresholds, generate email alerts, add systems to be monitored quickly without the need of configuring complicated configuration files. Centreon offers flexible configuration through the differents architectures. This article will explain on how to install Centreon on CentOS 7.

Installation procedure

To start with the installation procedure, install the required dependent package such as HTTPD and MariaDB. Press y to continue with the installation procedure.

[root@linuxhelp Desktop]# yum install httpd mariadb-server &ndash y
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Repodata is over 2 weeks old. Install yum-cron? Or run: yum makecache fast
base                                                     | 3.6 kB     00:00     
extras                                                   | 3.4 kB     00:00     
updates                                                  | 3.4 kB     00:00
  httpd.x86_64 0:2.4.6-45.el7.centos.4   mariadb-server.x86_64 1:5.5.52-1.el7  
Dependency Updated:
  mariadb-libs.x86_64 1:5.5.52-1.el7                                            

The packages are installed successfully. Now create a directory named mariadb.service.d/ under the directory path /etc/systemd/system by running the following command.

[root@linuxhelp Desktop]#  mkdir -p  /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/

Enter into that newly created directory by executing the following command.

[root@linuxhelp Desktop]# cd /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/

Create a conf file named limits.conf and enter the following lines in the file using vim editor.

[root@linuxhelp mariadb.service.d]# vim limits.conf

Reload the daemon by executing the following command.

[root@linuxhelp mariadb.service.d]# systemctl daemon-reload

Now start the HTTPD and MariaDB services respectively.

[root@linuxhelp mariadb.service.d]# systemctl start mariadb httpd

Enable the HTTPD and MariaDB services by executing the following command.

[root@linuxhelp mariadb.service.d]# systemctl enable mariadb httpd
ln -s ' /usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service'  ' /etc/systemd/system/' 
ln -s ' /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service'  ' /etc/systemd/system/' 

Now download the dependent package of centreon by executing the wget command followed by the download link.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# wget
--2017-08-17 23:59:42--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
100%[======================================> ] 4,308       --.-K/s   in 0s      

2017-08-17 23:59:42 (388 MB/s) - ‘ centreon-release-3.4-4.el7.centos.noarch.rpm’  saved [4308/4308]

Install the dependent package of centreon by running the following command.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# yum install --nogpgcheck centreon-release-3.4-4.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Examining centreon-release-3.4-4.el7.centos.noarch.rpm: centreon-release-3.4-4.el7.centos.noarch
  centreon-release.noarch 0:3.4-4.el7.centos                                    

Now install the centreon package by running the install command in the target system.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# yum install centreon-base-config-centreon-engine centreon
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
centreon-stable                                          | 2.9 kB     00:00     
centreon-stable-noarch                                   | 2.9 kB     00:00     
(1/2): centreon-stable/x86_64/primary_db                 |  82 kB   00:00     
  libdb.x86_64 0:5.3.21-19.el7                                                  
  libdb-utils.x86_64 0:5.3.21-19.el7                                            
  net-snmp-libs.x86_64 1:5.7.2-24.el7_3.2                                       

Configure the timezone of the application by making the following changes in the php-timezone.ini file.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# vim /etc/php.d/php-timezone.ini
date.timezone = Etc/UTC

Next enable the snmpd and snmptrapd services by running the following command.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# systemctl enable snmpd snmptrapd
ln -s ' /usr/lib/systemd/system/snmpd.service'  ' /etc/systemd/system/' 
ln -s ' /usr/lib/systemd/system/snmptrapd.service'  ' /etc/systemd/system/' 

Restart the HTTPD and MariaDB services.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# systemctl restart httpd mariadb

Now switch over to your browser and execute the machine' s IP address followed by the centreon link. Click next to go to the installation wizard.

This page contains the dependent softwares with the centreon and click next.

This page shows the monitoring engine information. Check the requirements and click next.

Now it shows the Broker module information and click next option.

This page contains the admin information. Fill it with required admin details and click next.

Next fill the database details and click next.

Check the database informations that is displayed in the wizard and click next.

The installation process is complete. Now the centreon welcome page is shown in the browser and click next.

The login page is shown on the scree. Enter the login credentials and click login.

The home page of centreon is shown below.

The installation procedure of Centreon is complete.

If you are using Centreon Broker in centreon?
The cbd rrd daemon must be running:

$ /etc/init.d/cbd status
* cbd_central-rrd is running
If you are using NDOUtils what will do?
Make sure that centstorage is running:

$ /etc/init.d/centstorage status
centstorage (pid 30276) is running...
What is the purpose of using centreon?
Centreon is a free Open Source monitoring software which allows an administrator to easily configure alerts based on thresholds, generate email alerts, add systems to be monitored quickly w
Whether Is this open source?
Yes it is open source and free software.
Where can we look for latest releases?
refer the link as follow ""