How to install OrangeHRM 4.0 on Cent OS 7

How to install OrangeHRM 4.0 on CentOS 7

OrangeHRM is a most popular open source human resource management (HRM) application used for managing the Personnel Information Management, Employee Self Service, Leave, Time & Attendance, Benefits, and Recruitment. The OrangeHRM application can be used for a Small to medium-sized businesses use. this is a comprehensive HR platform which can be used for rapidly build and provide responsive HR services. This tutorial covers the installation of orange HRm on CentOS 7.


  • Install LAMP(apache, mariadb, php5.6)

In MariaDB (create database and user and give privileges to that user).

  • Php installation
rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
yum install php56w php56w-opcache php56w-mysql php56w-curl php56w-xml  php56w-mcrypt php56w-gd


You can download a package using this following URL.

After downloading navigate to the downloaded location.

[root@linuxhelp1 ~]# cd Downloads/

The downloaded package is a zip file, so we need to unzip the package now.

[root@linuxhelp1 Downloads]# unzip 
   creating: orangehrm-4.0/
  inflating: orangehrm-4.0/error.xsl  
  inflating: orangehrm-4.0/install.php  
  inflating: orangehrm-4.0/phpunit.xml  
  inflating: orangehrm-4.0/.htaccess  
  inflating: orangehrm-4.0/CHANGELOG.TXT
   creating: orangehrm-4.0/license/
  inflating: orangehrm-4.0/license/3RDPARTY.TXT  
  inflating: orangehrm-4.0/license/LICENSE.TXT  
   creating: orangehrm-4.0/license/3rdParty/
  inflating: orangehrm-4.0/license/3rdParty/PHPMyAdmin.license  
  inflating: orangehrm-4.0/license/3rdParty/yui.license  
  inflating: orangehrm-4.0/license/3rdParty/xplanner.license  
  inflating: orangehrm-4.0/license/3rdParty/ypslideoutmenus.license.html

Then, move the file into the following path.

[root@linuxhelp1 Downloads]# mv orangehrm-4.0 /var/www/orangehrm

Switch to the directory now.

[root@linuxhelp1 Downloads]# cd /var/www/

We have to change ownership and permission of the Orangehrm directory as follows.

[root@linuxhelp1 www]# chown -R apache.apache orangehrm
[root@linuxhelp1 www]# chmod -R 775 orangehrm

Then we need to create a virtual host for accessing an OrangeHRM application.

[root@linuxhelp1 www]# vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/orange.conf
< VirtualHost *:80> 
DocumentRoot /var/www/orangehrm/

< Directory /var/www/orangehrm/> 
AllowOverride All
allow from all
< /Directory> 

< /VirtualHost> 

After creating the virtual host we need to restart the httpd service to make the changes effect.

[root@linuxhelp1 www]# systemctl restart httpd

then you can proceed the further installation from the browser by navigating to the following URL of http://local IP (or) domain name.

Now you will see Welcome page of OrangeHRM application. Click next to start the installation.

Then, accept the license agreement of OrangeHRM application to continue the installation.

And then you must configure database configuration. once done click Next.

At next screen verify the server configuration environment. once done click next to continue.

After that, you have to configure the Admin user credential

Once configuration, confirm the installation and click on Next.

After the installation process clicks Next.

Once the Installation is success click Finish to complete the installation.

Now, a login page of OrangeHRM application will appear. login with the help of using Admin user credential which you created during setup.

After the successful login, you will see the following page, orangeHRM admin dashboard.

With this, the method to install OrangeHRM 4.0 on CentOS 7 comes to an end.

Sep 26 2018
While starting the installation; I'm getting 500 error.. [access_compat:error] [pid 26443] [client] AH01797: client denied by server configuration: /var/www/html/orangehrm/installer/images/dummy.jpg, referer: Can you please help?
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How to Extract the PHP source of OrangeHRM onto the directory that is configured as Apache Server htdocs directory on "Windows"?
TO extract php from source

For ex: "C:\apache\Apache2\htdocs\orangehrm\"
How to install OrangeHRM manually on Linux?
For Linux Installation these steps should be followed;

ex: /var/www/html/orangehrm/

chown -R apache.apache /var/www/html/orangehrm/Now you need to create the database. To do this get to the MySQL prompt (you should be logged in as a user having rights create databases and users).
Why I cannot install getting not writtable error?
Change the ownership for orangehrm file content location into apache and set permisssion 755. After that refer the page and check it
What does the “Delete all board cookies” do in OrangeHRM?
“Delete all board cookies” deletes the cookies created by phpBB which keep you authenticated and logged into the board. Cookies also provide functions such as read tracking if they have been enabled by a board administrator. If you are having login or logout problems, deleting board cookies may help.
Does it support Different shift timings in OrangeHRM?
No They don’t support Night shifts in OrangeHRM.