How to install Ruby 2.2 On CentOS 7

To install Ruby 2.2 on CentOS 7

Ruby is a  dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.  Since Ruby is a high level language, it abstracts away most of the complex details of the machine. Thus, you can quickly build something from scratch with less lines of code.  Ruby 2.2 is one of the latest versions of the programming language, and this article covers the ground on the installation process of Ruby 2.2 on CentOS 7.


Installing Ruby 2.2

In order to install Ruby, make sure you add the required repository before you start with the installation process. You shall perform this action by executing the following command.

[root@linuxhelp1 ~]# yum install centos-release-scl-rh centos-release-scl -y
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:
Resolving Dependencies
-->  Running transaction check
--->  Package centos-release-scl.noarch 0:2-2.el7.centos will be installed
--->  Package centos-release-scl-rh.noarch 0:2-2.el7.centos will be installed
-->  Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                                   Arch                       Version                              Repository                  Size
 centos-release-scl                        noarch                     2-2.el7.centos                       extras                      12 k
 centos-release-scl-rh                     noarch                     2-2.el7.centos                       extras                      12 k

Transaction Summary
Install  2 Packages

Total download size: 24 k
Installed size: 39 k
Downloading packages:
(1/2): centos-release-scl-rh-2-2.el7.centos.noarch.rpm                                                               |  12 kB  00:00:01     
(2/2): centos-release-scl-2-2.el7.centos.noarch.rpm                                                                  |  12 kB  00:00:02     
Total                                                                                                       8.4 kB/s |  24 kB  00:00:02     
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  Installing : centos-release-scl-rh-2-2.el7.centos.noarch                                                                              1/2 
  Installing : centos-release-scl-2-2.el7.centos.noarch                                                                                 2/2 
  Verifying  : centos-release-scl-rh-2-2.el7.centos.noarch                                                                              1/2 
  Verifying  : centos-release-scl-2-2.el7.centos.noarch                                                                                 2/2 

  centos-release-scl.noarch 0:2-2.el7.centos                          centos-release-scl-rh.noarch 0:2-2.el7.centos                         




Once the repo is added, you shall directly proceed with the installation process.

[root@linuxhelp1 ~]# yum install rh-ruby22 -y
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
centos-sclo-rh                                                                                                       | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     
centos-sclo-sclo                                                                                                     | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     
(1/2): centos-sclo-sclo/x86_64/primary_db                                                                            | 189 kB  00:00:00     
(2/2): centos-sclo-rh/x86_64/primary_db                                                                              | 2.9 MB  00:00:09     
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:
Resolving Dependencies
-->  Running transaction check
--->  Package rh-ruby22.x86_64 0:2.0-6.sc1.el7 will be installed
-->  Processing Dependency: rh-ruby22-runtime for package: rh-ruby22-2.0-6.sc1.el7.x86_64
-->  Processing Dependency: rh-ruby22-ruby for package: rh-ruby22-2.0-6.sc1.el7.x86_64
-->  Running transaction check
--->  Package rh-ruby22-ruby.x86_64 0:2.2.2-16.el7 will be installed
-->  Processing Dependency: rh-ruby22-ruby-libs(x86-64) = 2.2.2-16.el7 for package: rh-ruby22-ruby-2.2.2-16.el7.x86_64
-->  Processing Dependency: rh-ruby22-rubygem(bigdecimal) > = 1.2.6 for package: rh-ruby22-ruby-2.2.2-16.el7.x86_64
-->  Processing Dependency: rh-ruby22-ruby(rubygems) > = 2.4.5 for package: rh-ruby22-ruby-2.2.2-16.el7.x86_64
-->  Processing Dependency: for package: rh-ruby22-ruby-2.2.2-16.el7.x86_64
--->  Package rh-ruby22-runtime.x86_64 0:2.0-6.sc1.el7 will be installed
-->  Running transaction check
--->  Package rh-ruby22-ruby-libs.x86_64 0:2.2.2-16.el7 will be installed
--->  Package rh-ruby22-rubygem-bigdecimal.x86_64 0:1.2.6-16.el7 will be installed
--->  Package rh-ruby22-rubygems.x86_64 0:2.4.5-16.el7 will be installed
  rh-ruby22.x86_64 0:2.0-6.sc1.el7                                                                                                          

Dependency Installed:
  libyaml.x86_64 0:0.1.4-11.el7_0                                      rh-ruby22-ruby.x86_64 0:2.2.2-16.el7                                
  rh-ruby22-ruby-irb.noarch 0:2.2.2-16.el7                             rh-ruby22-ruby-libs.x86_64 0:2.2.2-16.el7                           
  rh-ruby22-rubygem-bigdecimal.x86_64 0:1.2.6-16.el7                   rh-ruby22-rubygem-io-console.x86_64 0:0.4.3-16.el7                  
  rh-ruby22-rubygem-json.x86_64 0:1.8.1-16.el7                         rh-ruby22-rubygem-psych.x86_64 0:2.0.8-16.el7                       
  rh-ruby22-rubygem-rdoc.noarch 0:4.2.0-16.el7                         rh-ruby22-rubygems.x86_64 0:2.4.5-16.el7                            
  rh-ruby22-runtime.x86_64 0:2.0-6.sc1.el7                            



Now that the installation is complete, you shall set your environment variable by running the following command.

[root@linuxhelp1 ~]# scl enable rh-ruby22 bash



You can also check the version of your ruby application with the help of the following command.

[root@linuxhelp1 ~]# ruby -v
ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux]

With this, the installation of Ruby comes to an end.

Tag : CentOS
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You will receive frequent updates after purchasing and you can also enable automatic updates too
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Ruby is a simple and powerful object-oriented programming language, created by Yukihiro Matsumoto (who goes by the handle “Matz” in this document and on the mailing lists).
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