How to install XAMPP on CentOS 7

How to install XAMPP on CentOS7

XAMPP is free, open source, and multi-platform web-server which deploys Apache for HTTP Service, Mariadb/MySQL for database storage and PHP/Perl programming languages. It is widely used for testing and deployment purposes. In this tutorial, we are going to see about the installation of XAMPP server on CentOS 7.

To install XAMPP

Before initiating the installation for download the installer script file for XAMPP from the following link.


Download the file from either one of the links. After downloading the file, navigate it to the downloads directory.

[root@localhost ~]# cd Downloads/
[root@localhost Downloads]# ls

Once the file is moved, set executable permission for installer script by using the following command.

[root@localhost Downloads]# chmod +x

Now is the time to run the script file to install XAMPP. The installation will start in the graphical way.

[root@localhost Downloads]# ./

The installation setup window appears on your screen.

Select the needed components.

All the necessary configuration is done. XAMPP is now ready to be installed, click on Next option.

The installation takes place.

Finally click on the Finish option to complete the installation.

XAMPP Dashboard opens after the installation.

You can manage the servers with XAMPP.

To view default webpage for XAMPP type “ localhost” on your browser.

Tag : CentOS XAMPP
Oct 19 2018
Thank you do i start it from the terminal
May 12 2018
HI, thanks for the post really was helpful. i installed it and ran one time. but i cant see xamp in applications. how i can run again it after ?
Sep 20 2017
it is showing error
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Does XAMPP include MySQL or MariaDB?
Since XAMPP 5.5.30 and 5.6.14, XAMPP ships MariaDB instead of MySQL. The commands and tools are the same for both.
How do I install XAMPP?
Choose your flavor for your Linux OS, the 32-bit or 64-bit version
Change the permissions to the installer
chmod 755 xampp-Linux-*
Run the installer
sudo ./xampp-Linux-*
XAMPP runs, but why are none of the images being displayed?
That's a special problem with some Linux systems. Please open your /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf and look for these two lines:
#EnableMMAP off
#EnableSendfile off
Where are the XAMPP-VM virtual machine files and logs?
The XAMPP-VM virtual machine files and logs are stored within your home directory on the OS X host, in the ~/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/vm and ~/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/log directories respectively.
How do I backup/restore my XAMPP system?
The backup and restore functionality is still under development and may not work correctly.
You can create the backup by calling:
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp backup