How to install XOOPS in CentOS

How to install XOOPS in Centos

XOOPS is a popular and easy to use CMS written in PHP. It uses a modular architecture and it is an ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, weblogs etc.To install xoops,you need to have lamp server installed in your system.

To install XOOPS

First download the installation package by using the following command.

[root@linuxhelp ~]#wget -O
Saving to: “” 
100%[================================================================> ] 7,305,924    681K/s   in 15s    
2017-01-04 05:46:14 (486 KB/s) - “”  saved [7305924/7305924]

Extract the downloaded package by invoking the following command.

[root@linuxhelp ~]#unzip
  inflating: xoops-2.5.7/upgrade/upd-2.4.x-to-2.5.0/index.php 
   creating: xoops-2.5.7/upgrade/upd-2.5.4-to-2.5.5/
  inflating: xoops-2.5.7/upgrade/upd-2.5.4-to-2.5.5/index.php 
   creating: xoops-2.5.7/upgrade/upd-2.5.5-to-2.5.6/
  inflating: xoops-2.5.7/upgrade/upd-2.5.5-to-2.5.6/index.php 
  inflating: xoops-2.5.7/upgrade/upgrade_tpl.php 

Now move the htdocs contents as follows.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# mv xoops-2.5.7/htdocs/ /var/www/html/xoops/

Create a new MySQL database for XOOPS CMS.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with   or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 10
Server version: 5.1.73 Source distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type ' help '  or ' \h'  for help. Type ' \c'  to clear the current input statement.
mysql>  create database xoopsdb 
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql>  GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON xoopsdb.* TO ' xoopsuser' @' localhost'  IDENTIFIED BY ' password'  WITH GRANT OPTION 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql>  flush privileges 
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql>  exit

Create a new virtual host directive in Apache. For example, edit your Apache configuration file (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf by default) and uncomment the following line.

#NameVirtualHost *:80

then, add the following lines at the end of the file.

< VirtualHost *:80> 
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/xoops/
ServerName linuxhelp
< Directory /var/www/html/xoops/> 
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
< /Directory> 
ErrorLog logs/
CustomLog logs/ common
< /VirtualHost> 

Restart the Apache web server for the changes to take effect.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
Starting httpd:                                            [  OK  ]

Rename the ‘ xoops_lib’ and ‘ xoops_data’ directories and move them out of document root.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# mv /var/www/html/xoops/xoops_lib /var/www/xoops/x00ps_lib
[root@linuxhelp ~]# mv /var/www/html/xoops/xoops_data/ /var/www/xoops/x00ps_data

Change ownership for the xoops directory.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/xoops/
[root@linuxhelp ~]# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/xoops/

Restart the Apache web server.

[root@linuxhelp ~]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
Starting httpd:                                            [  OK  ]

Open the web browser and navigate to The installation page appears as shown below. Select your language.

Check the Configuration and click Next.

Click on the Path Settings option and make the required changes.

Make the Database configuration.

Click on the Tables creation option as follows.

Enter the required details in the Initial settings tab

Make the needed Site configuration.

Select your desired theme from the select theme option.

Choose the Next option in the Modules installation tab.

Xoops Default site looks as below.

How to install xoops cms in LinuxMint?
For xoops cms in LinuxMint follow
Can I configure Xoops cms in LEMP Stack?
Yes, xoops cms can be configured in LEMP setup also.
What is Xoops cms?
XOOPS is a popular and easy to use CMS written in PHP. It uses a modular architecture and it is an ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, weblogs etc.
Is Xoops cms Opensource?
Xoops cms is free and open source.
Is 2.5.7 is its latest release of Xoops CMS?
You can always look for the updated release on Xoops's official website