Docker friendly Alpine Linux gets hardened Node.js

The NodeSource developed an enterprise-oriented NSolid Node.js runtime for Docker containers. The NSolid for Alpine Linux is intended to work seamlessly with Alpine Linux.

The NSolid Node.js runtime contains three critical enterprise technologies namely the Linux kernel, Docker containers and Node.js server-side JavaScript applications.

The containers using the Alpine will require about a maximum of 8MB and in the disk it takes about 130MB. Alpine is usually seen on the rise among Linux users due to Alpine’ s small footprint and security capabilities and it also offers security enhancements to prevent an array of zero-day and other vulnerabilities that could happen. The users can get a secure option of running the node applications in containers.

The Alpine is generally built around musl library and BusyBox utilities intended for power users. NSolid was previously available for AWS, Google Cloud platform and Microsoft Azure.

What are system requirements for Docker for Mac?
You need a Mac that supports hardware virtualization and can run at least macOS 10.11 (macOS El Capitan). See also What to know before you install in the install guide.
What is the difference between the Stable and Edge versions of Docker for Mac?
Two different download channels are available for Docker for Mac:

The Stable channel provides a general availability release-ready installer for a fully baked and tested, more reliable app. The Stable version of Docker for Mac comes with the latest released version of Docker Engine. The release schedule is synched with Docker Engine releases and hotfixes. On the Stable channel, you can select whether to send usage statistics and other data.

The Edge channel provides an installer with new features we are working on, but is not necessarily fully tested. It comes with the experimental version of Docker Engine. Bugs, crashes, and issues are more likely to occur with the Edge app, but you get a chance to preview new functionality, experiment, and provide feedback as the apps evolve. Releases are typically more frequent than for Stable, often one or more per month. Usage statistics and crash reports are sent by default. You do not have the option to disable this on the Edge channel.
How to use this image?
Create a Dockerfile in your Node.js app project
# specify the node base image with your desired version node:
FROM node:6
# replace this with your application's default port
What is Node.js?
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.
How to Build Your Own Docker Images?
Tiny containers means more compute resources left over for actual… computing! Alpine Linux is particularly tiny. It says so, right on the tin: “Alpine Linux is a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based.”

Do you like saving money? I like saving money. Better resource utilization means happy bank accounts.

Let’s take a closer look at Alpine Linux on Docker. Heck, while we’re at it let’s build our own image.