Sonar helps developers to build a better website

Microsoft’ s Sonar, a linting tool and site scanner released last week could help developers build more effective and secure websites. Sonar is a linting tool and site scanner that is developed as a better way for website maintainers to check performance and security issues.

Sonar’ s predecessor was created by Microsoft as a static scan tool within its web browser in 2013. After failing to update with the prefixes and outdated libraries, it was left out. Now Sonar took over the field. It has a set of rules that are capable of parallel test execution and integration with services.

" Sonar will ease the adoption of Microsoft' s tooling and Azure for the community," said Akshay Aggarwal, CEO of PeachTech and COO of Deja Vu Security. However, " it is unlikely to move the needle on security significantly," he told.

Sonar works as same as security tools with development integration with development. Sonar can perform for baseline assessments for security and to identity components with known vulnerabilities.

Sonar can also be used a command-line tool (CLI) tool and integrated the tool directly to the website’ s URL. Sonar’ s rules are written by using the best practices for the Web. The five key rules categories to check a site for accessibility, interoperability with different browsers, performance for fast page load times, progressive web apps and security.

Sonar can be used extensively in each and every website. But the analysis lies with the developer and web designer to translate the analysis and actions to be taken.

In other words, I do not see it as necessary for your ' non- customized GoDaddy Wordpress site,' David Rosenthal, VP of digital business technology solutions for Razor Technology told in his interview, but it is " absolutely valuable for larger and more complex websites with programming, third-party extensions," .

Tag : Browser Linux
How was sonar used in ww2?
Sonar was used on allied submarines to detect German U-Boats and counter-attacks from other enemy sea vessels. Sonar could also guide you through the ocean because it would pick up other objects too. Sonar became the "ears" of the ship.
Why sonar is not used in the air?
Ultrasonic ones have a larger or longer wavelength. Water is a denser medium than air. Therefore, we can conclude that only Sonar is of any use in water, and that too not in the air. The vice versa for Radar that can't be used in water but only in the dry air
What are the advantages and disadvantages of sonar?
These disadvantages include: poor directional resolution due to the wide beam used; slow sound speed reduces sensing rate; obstacles with smooth surfaces appear invisible to the mobile robot; non-existing objects are detected due to reflections produced by the sonar; the environment can cause fluctuations in the travel.
What is Sonar application?
Sonar (originally an acronym for SOund Navigation And Ranging) is a technique that uses sound propagation (usually underwater, as in submarine navigation) to navigate, communicate with or detect objects on or under the surface of the water, such as other vessels.
What is Sonar in DevOps?
SonarQube (formerly Sonar) is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities on 20+ programming languages.