A common misconfiguration is that the 'session.save_path' directive is not pointing to a valid directory.

Hello.When i was installing the suitecrm ,i got the error on my page that says

SuiteCRM relies upon PHP sessions to store important information while connected to this web server. Your PHP installation does not have the Session information correctly configured.
A common misconfiguration is that the 'session.save_path' directive is not pointing to a valid directory.
Please correct your PHP configuration in the php.ini file located here below.
Nginx LEMP Add a comment
asked Jun 15 2019



Go to the location of php configuration file

vim /etc/php.ini(php 7.2)
session.save_path="/var/lib/php/session" (By referring the php modules page or your own session path)

ENsure that thesession.save_path is owned by nginx

then Restart the service of nginx and php-fpm as well

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asked Jun 15 2019
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