How To Completely Remove Apache package On CentOS 7.6

Hello,I have installed httpd on CentOS 7.6,now i just want to completely remove the whole package.What are the commands to be executed to remove completely?

CentOS Apache
Dec 04 2023
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asked May 14 2019


  1. Open a terminal or connect to your CentOS server via SSH
  2. Switch to the root user by running the following command and providing the root password: sudo su
  3. Stop the Apache service by executing the following command: systemctl stop httpd
  4. Disable the Apache service so that it doesn't start on boot: systemctl disable httpd
  5. Remove the Apache package by running the following command: yum remove httpd
  6. This command will remove the httpd package along with its configuration files and dependencies.
  7. If you want to remove any remaining configuration files, use the following command: rm -rf /etc/httpd
    This command will delete the Apache configuration files directory.
  8. Finally, clear the cache and any unused packages by running the following command: yum clean all
    This command will remove any cached packages and metadata.
    The Apache HTTP Server should now be completely removed from your CentOS 7.6 system.
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asked Jun 06 2023
edited Aug 18 2023
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)Query and list all the Apache rpm packages
rpm -qa "httpd"
2)List the installed Apache packages.
yum list installed "httpd*"
3)Remove the installed httpd packages
yum remove "httpd*" -y
4)Remove the Document root directory
rm -rf /var/www
5)Remove the Configuration Files
rm -rf /etc/httpd
6)Remove the Supporing files and httpd modules
rm -rf /usr/lib64/httpd
7)delete the Apache user
userdel -r apache
8)check the apache user in /etc/passwd location.
grep "apache" /etc/passwd
9)Check the status of Apache server
systemctl status httpd

after all this process,if it shows the service cannot be found,that implies you have completely removed the httpd package on your CentOS 7.6

Apr 29 2024
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asked May 14 2019
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To completely remove the Apache HTTP Server (httpd) package from CentOS 7.6, you can use the following commands. Make sure to run them pumpkin panic.
Please be cautious when using these commands, as they will remove the Apache HTTP Server and associated configurations from your system. If you have customized configurations or data, make sure to back them up before proceeding.

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asked Nov 29 2023
edited Nov 30 2023
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It turns out that even the hottest port has a few places where you can get off the beaten path. Here are some recommendations that will make you feel like you're in the know

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asked Dec 30 2023
edited Dec 31 2023
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It takes a lot of work to completely uninstall the Apache package on CentOS 7.6. ovo game

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asked Mar 13 2023
edited Dec 12 2023
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These instructions may uninstall the Apache HTTP Server and related configurations from your system, so use caution while using them. Make sure to back up any unique setups or scratch geometry dash data before continuing.

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asked Feb 22 2024
edited Feb 23 2024
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