How To Create Build Monitor View In Jenkins

To Create Build Monitor View In Jenkins


Build Monitor Plugin allows a highly visible view of the status of selected Jenkins jobs. It is easy to accommodate various computer screen sizes and is ideal as an Extreme Feedback Device to be displayed on a screen on your office wall.


Step 1: Install the Build Monitor View plugin from manage plugin

Step 2: Go to available section and search the plugin then install it

Step 3: Plugin installation image shown below

Step 4: click the plus button to create monitor view

Step 5: Give name and select build monitor view

Step 6: Select the jobs which you need to view

Step 7: select option status in ordered by section

Step 8: Build monitor view image as shown below


We have reached the end of this article. In this guide, we have walked you through the steps required to create build monitor view in Jenkins. Your feedback is much welcome.

Which programming language is used to write code in Jenkins?
Java is the programming language that is used to write code in Jenkins.
What are the core technical features of Jenkins?
The core technical features of Jenkins
*Continuous Integration,
*Continuous Delivery,
*Continuous Deployment.
Does Jenkins use a shared library?
Yes, Jenkins has an integrated feature where developers can use shared libraries.
What do you mean by a Jenkins File and what are its advantages?
The audit trail for the Pipeline can be monitored.It serves as a single source of truth for the Pipeline, which can be viewed and edited by multiple members of the project.
What do you mean by building a pipeline in Jenkins?
Creating a chain of jobs in Jenkins is the process of automatically starting the sequential job after one job is executed successfully. This approach lets the user build multi-step build pipelines or trigger the rebuild of a project if one of the Project dependencies is updated.