Linus Torvalds stops signing Linux kernel RC tarballs

Linus Torvalds, Founder of Linux foundation who has the reputation of overseeing all the releases and editions of Linux and lashing out at those who doesn’ t meet his standards has stopped signing the latest Linux kernel tarballs.

He has released the Linux 4.12 a day early from mother’ s day. “ So I' m doing this one day early, because I don' t like last-minute pull requests during the merge window anyway, and tomorrow is mother' s day, so I may end up being roped into various happenings,” Torvalds wrote on the Linux Kernel Mailing List.

The release is dominated by new AMD Vega 10 header files that have all the register definitions and the new Intel Atom IPU driver. He also adds that this release will contain more drivers, arch updates, documentation and misc. It also contains the USB-C manager, Budget Fair Queuing and Kyber I/O scheduler, which will speed up the I/O, storage and memory on Intel CPUs.

This release also marks the end of line for Linux on Atmel’ s AV32 RISC silicon. Torvalds also informs the users that he hasn’ t uploaded any diffs or tar-balls for this rc, because they should be automatically generated by for the rc’ s and if any user really needs to sign by key, they can get the repo via Git and check the tags.

It would seem like a small change in this release but one has to aware of the security concerns around it.

Feb 20 2024
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Why does the kernel tarball contain a directory called linux/ instead of linux-x.y.z/ ?
(DW) Because that's the way Linus wants it. It makes applying many consecutive patches simpler, because the directory doesn't need to be renamed each time, and it also makes life easier for Linus.
How do I make a patch suitable for the linux kernel list?
(REG) Here are some basic guidelines for posting patches. For information on how to generate patches, see the entry by RRR below.

Ensure the patch does not have trailing control-M characters on each line. A number of broken tools used to encode patches add control-M for "DOS compatibility". This breaks many versions of patch, so be sure to configure your tools properly, or use unbroken tools, otherwise your patch will be silently deleted.
Include the patch inline in your email, in plain text. Do not post it as a base64 MIME attachment. Many people will not be able to read your patch, and thus your patch will be deleted without comment.
This FAQ previously advised posting a URL to a patch if the patch is large. This is no longer recommended. The preferred way to submit a large patch is to break it up into logical chunks, with a descriptive comment for each, and post each piece with a subject line like
"[PATCH] cleanup of foo driver [1/5]".
Do not start a new thread for each chunk - rather, post each chunk as a followup to the previous chunk. You may want to begin with an explanatory post, and label it something like
"[PATCH] cleanup of foo driver [0/5]".
See Documentation/SubmittingPatches for more information.
Where do I get extra kernel patches?
(REG) There are many places which provide various extra patches to the kernel for new features. One fairly good archive is available at: ""
What is a production kernel?
(ADB) Production or stable kernels have a well defined feature set, a low number of known bugs, and tried and proven drivers. They are released less frequently than the experimental kernels, but even so some "vintages" are considered better than others. GNU/Linux distributions are usually based on chosen stable kernel versions, not necessarily the latest production version.
What is an experimental kernel version?
(ADB) Linux kernel versions are divided in two series: experimental (odd series e.g. 1.3.xx or 2.1.x) and production (even series e.g. 1.2.xx, 2.0.xx, 2.2.x, 2.4.x and so on). The experimental series are fast moving versions which are used to test new features, algorithms, device drivers, etc. By their own nature the experimental kernels may behave in unpredictable ways, so one may experience data losses, random machine lockups, etc.