Microsoft previews new Azure Container Instance service on Linux

Microsoft has released a preview of Azure Container Instances, a new container that will enable users to create and deploy containers without any hassle with underlying virtual machines from July 26. The Container support for Windows will be added in the upcoming weeks.

An ACI is a single container that billed by the second. Users will be able to select the exact amount of memory and exact count of CPUs, so users will not billed longer than they require of the storage services. It contains the cluster of Virtual Machines configured for a management system such as Kubernetes, Swarm or Docker.

The downside of this container service is the relative heavyweight solution and the patches required to containerize the application up and running quickly.

“ While Azure Container Instances are not an orchestrator and are not intended to replace orchestrators, they will fuel orchestrators and other services as a container building block,” said Corey Sanders, director of compute, Azure, in a statement.

The executives are hoping that ACIs will be used for fast scaling and the virtual machines can be deployed alongside the cloud to deliver a scaling for the workloads can be migrated between two infrastructure models.

ACI looks useful when you need to deploy, test and break down containerized application with less hassle.

Tag : Linux Azure
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